Chapter 2

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(I re-wrote this entire chapter, I didn't like how it was before)

Yoana's POV

The end of the day eventually rolled around, and thank goodness for that! Biology was a pain today, everyone was talking and the professor couldn't rightly just yell over everyone. So. Instead of learning, like we are at school to do, me and Pearl, or yellow as I'd started calling her, had to sit in a rowdy classroom. I used the time to work a bit more on my buisness project, which reminded me of Bella.

I'm taking her with me to my apartment today, to work on the project. She's quite charming to say the least, intelligent too.

Finally, I make it to the parking lot, saying goodbye to Yellow as she runs off too her car, it's a relatively small one, simple buggy. Funnily enouph, its painted yellow. I leisurely walk over to my motor bike, and crack open the backseat to get my riding attire, and extra helmet. I'd prefer not to ruin my clothing, and seeing as I have an extra helmet, I may as well give it to Bella to wear. Don't want her getting hurt.

I'm slipping on my leather jacket, which I use as a windbreaker, when I see Bella walk out of the doors from one of my rearview mirrors. I smile to my self, and turn, walking over to where she is. Didn't get a good look at her outfit in class today, but now that I can see the whole of her, I have to keep myself from letting out a low whistle.

I've noticed that she ordinarily wears dresses, and today is not different. The dark blue material hugs at her curves just right, not too tight, but enouph to know it's there. She's wearing a blue scarf, in a lighter shade, and a pair of black, possibly insulated, boots and she's wearing some black leggings as well. Over the lovely blue dress, is a nice dark gray winter coat. The cold weather calls for all of this, we aught to have snow soon, seeing as it's so cold out.

She notices me comming towards her, and she smiles, waving a hand in my direction.

"Fair warning Ms.Duke, the bike does not have heated seats." I say teasingly. She lets out a giggle and starts walking to me, opting to meet me half way. She seems to look my up and down, and I almost shiver, and not because if the chilly air.

"Didn't take you as a biker, then again," she pauses for a moment, glancing back at my bike,
"It suits you."

She smiles sweetly at me and bundles up in her coat a little more.

"Alright, let's get you out of the cold, I dont live too far from here" I say with a chuckle. I wrap and arm around her to share some of my body heat, and escort her to my bike. Once we get there I hand her the extra helmet and then put on mine.

"Alright, I live roughly a mile out, should be maybe... 10 minutes? If I go the speed limit." I say rougishly. I can see Bella's eyes widen in shock and I can't help but laugh.

"Ah! Hahaha your face! Do you think I'd really drive over the speed limit?!" I'm still laughing and she eventually starts laughing with me. Once we get to calming down, it took literally 8 seconds, I climb on the bike and start it up.

"Alright, get on before you freeze to death, I'll get you cup of cocoa when we get to my place" I say, she quickly climbs on the bike and hugs me tightly.

"Please don't got too fast" she says, her voice muffled in the helmet. I smile to myself and clutch the excelorator, the bike starts off slow, but once we get to main road, I speed it up to a legal 35. All the while, Bella holds on to me.

"So! How was your last class?!" I yell over the wind so she can hear me. I can feel her chuckling behind me before she yells back.

"It was okay, but perhaps we should wait to have a conversation at your place so we don't have to yell!" I nod in agreement and the rest of the ride is spent in silence. The whole 5 minutes left of it anyway.

Soon, we arrive at my apartment, in its red brick, fenced off glory. At the click of a button, the gate opens and allows for us to pull in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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