Chapter 1

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(I am editing this chapter because @emilyramsey1445598 discussed it and we agreed upon changing Kyle's age to 2 1/2, you will understand why in the next couple of chapters)

"Hannah! Someone knock on door!" I hear my 2 1/2 year old nephew Kyle call out for me so I quickly place the bowl full of batter that I had in my arms, onto the kitchen counter and I rush over to where Kyle and his batman plushie where standing by the front door.

"Kyle, back away from the door please? I'll answer it but I need you to go to our room okay?" I ask him and he nods and runs off to his room on his little legs, I wipe my hands on my apron and open the door, I feel my body freeze and my eyes widen as I see who is standing at my front door.

"Danny Braxton, what are you doing here?" I ask, not opening the door much more but he just smirks and pushes me out of the way and walks into my house like he owns it.

"I'm sorry but can you please leave?" I ask him but he ignores me.

"I'm here for my son, Hannah," Danny says and I laugh.

"Your Son? he has never been your son, you were just the sperm donor," I say but all of a sudden his hand is wrapped around my throat and I am pushed up against the wall that is behind me, cutting off my air.

"He is my son, and I want him back! and away from you, so you can stop poisoning him against me!" Danny growls and I cough in pain.

"You're... the one... that poisons... your sons... against you... you're the one... that causes them to hate you," I spit out, trying to conserve my air.

"HANNAH!" I hear Kyles small voice yell out in fear so I turn my hand as much as I can and I see Kyle standing in the hallway, holding his batman, in tears from what he can see.

"You're... scaring him," I say and that causes Danny to let me go, I slide down the wall and start coughing as I hold my neck, knowing that bruises will start showing soon, Kyle runs over to me as tears are streaming down his face.

"What you want?" Kyle asks him through his hiccups as he leans into me, causing me to wrap my arms around his tiny body which is shaking.

"I'm taking you to Summer bay, so you can meet your brothers Darryl, Heath, and Casey," Danny says and I glare at him, unable to talk because of the pain.

"Won't go 'lone," Kyle says as he slowly stops crying and glares at Danny.

"...Fine! the bitch will come with us!" Danny says reluctantly.

"GO PACK!" he demands so Kyle and I quickly run down the short hallway and into our room, we quickly grab our biggest suitcases and pack as much clothing as we can, I grab the photo of Kyle, His mother and my best friend Emma, and I.

"Grab as much clothing as you can, okay Kyle? and grab your most favourite toys, okay? we don't know how long we will be gone, we need to grab Max from the back yard, once you finish packing your suitcase, I need you to grab Max's carry bag, along with his favourite blanket and the box off food, and put the box in my suitcase and the blanket in the bag, once you are done, stay in this room and wait for me, okay?" I tell Kyle who nods and I smile as I rush out of our bedroom and into the back yard where our staffey puppy is waiting for me, I quickly pick him up and rush back into the house and into the bedroom where Kyle is waiting for me.

"Okay, we have everything?" I ask Kyle who nods while holding his batman close to his body in one hand and his suitcase handle in the other as I place Max into his carry bag, I gently pick it up and place it onto of my closed suitcase which I grab in one hand, taking Kyles hand into the my other and we walk out of the room and into the kitchen where Danny is eating the brownie batter I was working on earlier.

"You ready?" he asks us and we nod, he the drops the bowl and spoon into the sink and leads us out to my ute, we stop once I see my friend Alison.

"Hey Alison, I need you to go home," I say as I put mine and Kyle's suitcases in the bed.

"Whats going on Hannah? where are you going? and who is that?" Alison asks and I sigh.

"I don't know, we're going for a trip, and that is Kyle's sperm donor, now PLEASE! go home!" I say and she nods, finally leaving.

"Let's go!" Danny yells, causing me to jump, I quickly pick up Kyle and I place him in the back seat, making sure that he is buckled into his car seat before I climb into the drivers seat, I start up the ute since Danny is already sitting in the passenger seat.

"Drive," he says and I nod, leaving my drive way, and starting the drive to Summer bay.

First chapter.

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