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Three years. Three years and he still hadn't gotten over it. He thought about it everyday. It almost irritated him how much his mind would roam to it. When he was eating, training, on a mission, or just sitting in his room, thoughts about it would disrupt his peace of mind. He'd tried so many things. Extended meditation, sleeping more frequently, more demanding missions and fierce trainings. Still, he couldn't get over it.

Kanda couldn't get over the whereabouts of Naomi Kurosu, the only person he ever confessed his love to.

And then she left the next day, he thought, Now it's like she never existed.

He stopped from punching the small bag in the training room, the one designed to increase his speed in battle. There it goes again, he thought, scowling. Naomi invading my thoughts.

Deciding there really wasn't much point in continuing to train with a clouded mind, Kanda walked out of the training room and back to his room. As he passed by familiar faces, he avoided eye contact. When she disappeared they'd all tried to be there for him.. but that wasn't what he wanted.

Kanda entered his room, shutting his door behind him and made way to the shower, turning on the water. While he waited for the water to warm, he took off the cloth covering his hands and took a look at himself in the mirror.

Things really had changed over the years. Kanda's face had aged for the better, and his build had gotten a little more muscular while somehow still being able to be lean. His hair had certainly gotten longer, and at that he'd probably need to cut it again pretty soon. With the changes to the Black Order's uniforms, Kanda made a few personalizations.

The new uniform consisted of a black with red trimmed cape-like coat and a black shirt underneath, both of which bore the symbol of the Black Order over the heart. The pants were of similar colors with a red belt, and black boots. Kanda, during one of his workouts to block out his pestering thoughts, coincidentally met Naomi's trainer from when she was suspended from exorcist work, Dr. Evens. The skilled and retired exorcist who had long since given up his Innocence to hopefully bond with another individual had given Kanda some worthy advice, telling him that wrist wraps would help him fare better in hand-to-hand combat. So, Kanda had done just so, and the wrist wraps were considered a part of his uniform routine.

How would she look today? Kanda thought. She'll have changed, that's for sure, but would I even recognize her anymore? Would she recognize me?

And again he caught himself dwelling, and he made a face, undressing and letting down his hair before stepping into the now hot water. Still, Kanda's thoughts could not evade him.

Why did she run away from the Order..? Was it because of the deaths she dealt with... or was it because of me..? Kanda's thoughts took a sour turn and he clenched his fists unconsciously. Was it because I loved her but she didn't love me..? Did I make a mistake kissing her, would she still be here if I had just kept my emotions in check, like I was supposed to? He punched the wall now, blood splatting from his fist on the impact. Would things be different? Is it all my fault?!


Emotions portrayed on Allen Walker's end weren't all that much more positive. He'd almost died in the battle against Tyki Mikk, and he would've been dead had his Innocence not saved him. Even after all that, Allen had been hidden off at the Order's Asian branch, and no one had known he lived. However, when he returned to headquarters eight months later he had blamed himself completely for Naomi's running away. Kanda was helping in blaming it on Allen, yelling at said exorcist more than usual and even losing his cool, nearly kicking his ass when Allen mentioned that she probably left because she cracked under the pressure of losing two.

Allen walked through the halls of the Order, which over the years had seemed to have become lonesome and empty without Naomi's presence. He was on his way to the cafeteria, where many memories had been shared.


Naomi giggled a bit, smiling happily as she snagged a few of Allen's cookies. Even after the incident, she never really learned her lesson to leave his food alone.

"Hey! Naomi!" Allen grumbled, getting up and making an irritated face.

Naomi only laughed, eating the cookies right in front of him. "Neh, sorry Allen~!"


Now, sitting down at the table all alone with a bowl of soup that had grown cold, Allen realized he'd give anything to have her presence back. That cookie-stealing, warm-smiling, happy-natured, friend. Losing her, it felt like losing Mana all over again. Perhaps that's what had hurt most.


[ A/N: Going to just do one chapter updates for all my stories... for the reason I haven't updated this... since last year. ]

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