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"...I see. And you're certain of this?"

"Yes sir. There's no mistaking it, it was a work of a Noah."

" Did you catch the Noah's appearance?"

"No sir."

"Yet you had the audacity to even mention it ..?"

"... forgive-"

"You're dismissed."

That same day, Inspecter Malcolm C. Leverrier was dispatched to the Black Order's Headquarters.

3:00 AM

Kanda, getting an early start on the day, was in the training room aggressively thrashing out onto the training dummies, per usual. On such a day, most knew it wise not to bother the samurai. That is, everyone except-

The doors to the training room were thrown open, and out came the ever-energetic Komui Lee. It was true that Komui had lost some of his shine after the disappearance of Naomi, but some things just couldn't change about him. This would be one such thing.

In pure surprise of the doors, Kanda dropped his sword, Mugen as it was called, and cut his palm. He cursed under his breath. "..what is it ..?"


3:20 AM

Often now, Allen wasn't seen much outside his room of the Order. He hadn't lost his kindness, that couldn't be taken. No, he'd lost his happiness, and adopted a rough depression.

Boring, routinely, monotonously, he spent his time exercising or throwing things at the wall that would bounce off and back to his hand. And if he wasn't doing that...
..there are things that should be left undiscussed.

But then, as such had been done to Kanda, Allen's door swung open, exposing light into the dark, almost enveloping room. On the other end was Lenalee Lee.

Quickly, discreetly, Allen put one arm behind his back, giving a fake smile only he could master. "..Lenalee?" His other arm slid out of her sight.

She shook her head. "Come on. You have to see this." With that, she walked out, expecting him to follow.

Allen threw on his coat, and then slipped a bloodied object into a drawer, as if trying to shove its existence away. "Alright, I'm coming," he said, using a level of volume in which she would hear him. He walked out, looking at his room for just a moment longer before shutting the door..


3:40 AM

"And as you can see here," Komui pointed to a different part of the hand-drawn map, which was, in all its glory, a grotesque mess. "There's been a sudden increase here. Which doesn't make sense, because this infestation was removed before, or so I thought." Komui looked to the two exorcists on the couch.

Allen sat stiffly, and he was intently concentrated on the pitiful presentation Komui gave. Kanda, however, was a whole different story. He leaned back on the couch, arms crossed, seeming to be halfway paying attention, and halfway in thought. Lenalee stood by Komui, being the one to hold up the chicken scratch that was Komui's map.

Komui sighed at Kanda's demeanor. "Kanda.. please make an attempt to pay attention. There's a reason I chose you two for this mission."

"Other than to annoy me?" Kanda seethed.

" two are the only ones familiar with the town of Joark." The room silenced, and only Lenalee was not aware on the situation. "I would have sent... that person... but they're not here anymore."

Kanda nodded slowly. Naomi was a sensitive topic for everyone. "..alright. I'll listen."

So Komui continued. "Like two years ago, the number of akuma sightings has suddenly sprung up..." He looked at the boys. "...but there's something odd about this that makes us believe the culprit from before, Matthew Tate, isn't behind this one."

Allen tilted his head in confusion. "I don't see why not." And even Kanda nodded, silently agreeing with Allen.

The door slammed open, and in walked special inspector Malcolm Lvellie, his assistant, Howard Link, tailing behind him. "And indeed I would agree with you, Komui Lee." He smirked as he sat at his desk, Link setting a box down he carried in on the desk.

"And I think you all know her well."

To Find An Exorcist (Sequel to TBAE)Where stories live. Discover now