griffin johnson

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You were curled up in your boyfriends arms on the couch watching a movie. You had only been together for two months, but it felt right. He was the edgy boy. The player, so to say. But you were convinced that he had changed since he met you. "Babe, I got to go," he said wiggling out from behind you. 

"Why?" you pouted.

"I just gotta be somewhere," he said and kissed you goodbye as he got up to grab his things. The door bell rang, "I'll get it on my way out," he called as you heard the door open.

"Okay, love you, Weston!" you answered, but he was already out the door. You slumped back on the couch.

"Hey, Y/N!" a few of your friends said as they walked into your house. Your best friend, Griffin, ran into the room and jumped on top of you, effectively crushing you in the process.

"Hey guys, whatcha doin' here?" you asked.

"We just came to see what you were doing. Hopefully we didn't interrupt anything," Amanda said referring to Weston as she sat down between Jaden and Anthony.

"Oh no, we were just watching a movie, and he had to go," you said reassuringly.

"Are you sure?" Amanda said wiggling her eyebrows as Griffin plopped down beside you. 

"Yes, I'm sure," you said rolling your eyes.

"Okay, well where did he have to go anyway?" Amanda asked.

"I don't know. He just said he had to leave. He's been doing that a lot lately," you thought aloud.

Griffin scoffed loudly and everyone's attention turned to him. "What?" he asked.

"Do you have something to say, Griffin?" you asked him.

"I'm just saying that I warned you about this one, Y/N."

"What are you saying?" 

"I'm saying that he's a player, and I just can't see him being loyal."

"Oh my god, he's cheating isn't he?" you asked and then ran up to your room. 

"Good job, Griffin," Amanda said as she followed you up to your room.

"Hey, Y/N, he's is probably not cheating. You're just being paranoid, and Griffin's just saying that because he has a big fat crush on you," Amanda said then slapped her hands over her mouth. "Oh no!"

"Wait, wait, wait, Griffin, like Griffin downstairs, has a crush on me?"

"Well, he may like you a bit, I'm not sure."

"Oh my god, how did I not know? You know how much I liked him when we were younger, and now he likes me. How convenient?"


You eventually found out that Weston was in fact cheating on you. He had been for almost two months before you found out. You were devastated. You just thought that maybe you were the exception, the one to break the player of his ways. But you were wrong. Weston was a dick and no one could change that. 

You were currently in your room watching a sad movie and eating a tub of ice cream. It had only been a week since you and Weston broke up, and this is what you spent most of your time doing.  

"Thank you, Mrs. Y/L/N," you heard someone say followed by the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. Your door swung open revealing Griffin, your best friend.

"How's my favorite girl doing?" he said as he took a seat next to you on your bed and pulled you into your arms. Ever since Amanda had told you that Griffin like you, you had been weird around hi. You didn't know what to say or do. You had no idea what to do with the information and you were just hoping Griffin wouldn't notice.

But of course nothing ever went your way. "What's wrong, Y/N? You've been acting weird for like a week now, and I don't know why. Is it because of Weston? Because I swear I'll beat the shit ou-" you held up your hand cutting him off.

"No, it isn't about that. Uhmm, I've kinda been enlightened, so to say."

"What?" he said with a confused look on his face that looked absolutely adorable. Wait did I just call my best friend adorable? Snap out of it, Y/N. "I'm so confused."

"Amanda may have told me something about you," you said slowly.

"Yeah, still not following."

"Ughhhh," you said and face palmed. "Amanda kinda, sorta toldmethatyoulikedme," you said super fast.

"Huh? I can't understand you when you talk that fast, Y/N."

"Jeeze, Amanda told me that you like me."


"Yeah," you said tentatively.

"Wait, you seriously didn't know?"


"I tried to make it as obvious as possible. I ain't shy with my feelings you know that."

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Because you were dating Weston when I realized it."

"So all it took was me dating some other guy for you to come to your senses," you muttered under your breath.


"I've liked you since we were eight, Griffin," you said exasperatedly. "Man guys are so oblivious."

"Oh, you're one to talk," he chuckled.

"So what do we do now?" you asked.

"Uhmm, I think we are supposed to date," he said like the answer was obvious.

"It can't be that easy," you stated.

"It sure as hell can," he said and pulled you into him and kissed you. You melted into the kiss and smiled against his lips.


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