Chapter Four- A Windy Day

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Jessica sat at her desk in front of me, her head in her hands. I stood a few feet away from her awkwardly. We were in her private study, a large room at the top of a marble tower. Almost every wall was lined with books, and the plush carpet floor gave the room a cozy, sophisticated feel. Even though the room was warm and comfortable, I could almost feel her silent rage burning me.

"War. War. War! That's just fantastic. Couldn't negotiate anything else, could you? It had to be war." She mumbled under her breath. I shuffled nervously. Tanner, who had come to plead on my part (thank god), gave me a look like "Oh you are so dead." I gave him a look back that said "Just watch." If only I actually felt that confident.

"So, uh, could you by any chance spare some soldiers.....?" I asked gently.

"Spare some soldiers? No I can't spare some soldiers! The clan you're little "friend" wants to go to war with has over twenty thousand members! I can't spare a hundred soldiers right now, let alone any that would stand a chance!" She yelled, making me flinch. It was the busiest time of the year for Jessica's race, preparing for the biggest musical festival of the year. The pooka race was expected to host it, so half of her soldiers were off duty preparing for the event, and the other half was making sure another race didn't take advantage and invade. My heart dropped as she said it, but I had already assumed that would be her answer.

"Okay, okay." I said, holding up my hands in a sign of peace. "That's fine, I just need one thing from you then." She sat back down, calming herself. Or, at least, trying to.

"And what would that be?" She asked through her teeth.

"I'd like for you to come." I said quickly. I saw her open her mouth to debate. "Wait! I know you're busy but we don't stand a chance on our own!" I said. Tanner opened his mouth and I elbowed him in the ribs. "We'd never be able to break their defensive line without you, plus I already have a plan. You can put Chloe in charge while we're gone. It won't be any longer than a day, I promise." I finished. Her eyes narrowed, and I mentally congratulated myself. If she turned us down now, not only would it potentially doom us to failure, but Chloe, Jessica's lieutenant and second in command, was standing outside the door as she usually did when visitors came. We all knew she could hear everything we were saying. It wasn't as if Jess didn't trust her, but Chloe didn't know that.

There was only silence for a few dreadful moments, and I wondered how she would play this. Eventually, she sighed.

"Less than one day, right?" She asked, venom in her voice. I felt a glimmer of hope, and I smiled.

"Yea, of course! I promise, one big battle and you can come straight back." I responded.

"Fine. You owe me. Big time. Now get out, I have work to do." She said, and I grabbed Tanner's arm and hurried out of the room as quickly as I could. The giant doors closed behind us, and I collapsed on the floor.

"You are so lucky. She almost killed you, you know." I heard. Rolling over on my back I could see Chloe standing over me. Her short, light brown hair hung loosely, and she looked down at me with her arms crossed.

"Yep. But, if you didn't notice, she didn't. I think that was a pretty good save myself." I said, smirking at her. "Plus, you get to be in charge for a whole day? How cool is that?" I said enthusiastically. She didn't smile, but I could see the excitement hidden behind her eyes.

"Yea, I guess so." She replied. I stood up and dusted myself off.

"What, no thank you?" I asked expectantly, raising my eyebrow. She rolled her eyes.

"Thank you." She said blankly.

"You are very welcome." I replied. She rolled her eyes again. "Seriously, though, thanks for taking over for her. I don't know what I would've done if she hadn't agreed." I said.

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