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Doll as the result of the poll for doll Ciels gonna be the father

1. 1st time meeting you

Doll was in her tent she hadn't been feeling too good so Beast got doctor to check on her doctor came to see her, he did the exam while she was in her tent a small group had gathered Beast said "alright nothing to see here, just doctor checking them over" they went Joker came over and said "Beast is Doll ok?" she looked and said "don't know, she said she wasn't feeling great but said it was probably a bug or something that's gone around"

Joker said "and she said to leave her be," Beast said "yeah, but that was a good few weeks ago and she should of gotten over that by now, as soon as I know I'll let you and the others know" Joker smiled and nodded leaving

When doctor came out Beast said "how is she?" doctor said "she's fine, you can see her" he wheeled away and thought 'Doll needs to say not me' Beast went in and sat she said, "Hey, how are you feeling?" Doll curled up and said "ok," Beast said, "what's wrong?" Doll sniffled and said "Beast I'm scared," Beast said "why would you be scared Doll? Where all here" she silently cried and said "i-I'm pregnant Beast, and I'm scared what if I'm not good? What if the baby's scared of me or like me? And everyone's scared of them"

Beast gave a soft but sad look she could understand how Doll felt, the fear of being a mother and the fear the baby wouldn't accept her or be like how they are, Beast hugged her Doll hugged back crying Beast said "I'll tell you one thing Doll" she looked at her Beast said "you're not alone, me, Joker, Dagger, Peter, Wendy, Jumbo and everyone in the circus will be here to help you, ok you won't be alone and if the baby when its older is scared of your eye, then well sit him or her down and explain but I don't think they will ok"

Doll said, "wh-what if I don't want to be a mum yet?" Beast said "then you let someone adopt the kid, who's at the circus ok but I don't think you'll do that you'll be a wonderful mother ok" Doll hugged Beast tightly Beast said "it'll all be ok where all here" she nodded, Beast left her and told the others they were shocked but happy for her and promised they'd help her with this, soon the months passed quickly and soon it was time for her to have you, Beast and Wendy where there with her the entire time while she was in labour

A few hours later a cry was heard Doll looked, you were wrapped up in a white warm blanket and given to Doll, Beast said "well done Doll, where so proud of you" Wendy said "yeah it's a girl!" she gave a small smile she was still scared to be a mother but was on board with the idea she held you soon you stopped crying and looked at her, Wendy said "what are you gonna name her?" she said "I don't know" Beast said "well she needs a name Doll, and you can give it to her" she thought and said "(name)?" Beast said "that's a perfect name for her" you were asleep, she hadn't seen your eyes but you had her brown hair, and a few little freckles on your face

2. You meet your father

Doll was managing with you, she couldn't do her act for the time being since she was recovering from having you, at the moment you were playing with a bitter rabbit shed gotten you, you adored the little thing she thought 'that looks a little like smile? But it can't be he disappeared' she looked down she knew he was your father, but she had no way to find him to say about you to him

Doll carried you to get some food, they were in London at the moment Joker said "you doing ok?" she looked and said, "Yeah why?" Joker said "you seem tired, I can take her," Doll said, "but!" Joker said "where here to help you ok, if that's watching (name) for a bit so you can sleep then that's what well do" she said "o-ok" Joker said "it don't make ya a bad mum you know" Doll nodded he took you and said "how about we take a walk around town?"

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