"What kind of memorizers (hafiz) you both are, fake memorizers you both are making people fool, you don't even know the name of this chapter", my dad was screaming at me and my brother as he asked us to recite the fifteenth chapter of Quran and we were incognizant of its name as this was the chapter we skipped and memorized a little with errors as our teacher forced us to do so. "Why are you accusing us?" My brother replied bluntly. "Then whom should I accuse, maybe you both are oblivious of the curse that is for those who forget the Quran after memorizing", dad stood up and said this in an aggressive tone. "This is the fault of our teacher", I replied instantly. "Liars you both just came to the world to eat, sleep and repeat", dad was not ready to stop yelling so we both left the room reluctantly accepting the fact that it was our fault. I learned that day that no matter what unfair things happen to you, you will be accused for your own sufferings. In a nutshell,
"Learn to swim if you're drowning, you'll be called a failure anyway."
HumorA boy from a typical family suffers an agony, which changes his life drastically into something that he never imagined of. While he encounters all the filth of the world he is determined to strive for justice and vengeance.