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It's funny how one person can change everything about you and you don't know it. You let that person in and they changed you, maybe for the worst maybe for the better, but you give them your whole trust and they change you. 

I was born just after the war stopped, just over a month on december 16th 1945, i grew up as a normal kid experiencing the wonderful nights of the 50's, stories i tell my grandchildren now-a-days. I always knew i was different everyone knew, despite the act i put on everyone knew that i couldn't feel. 

I found out when i was 15 when my father died, i didn't feel, i couldn't no matter how much i tried i couldn't feel anything, no loss and no grief. 

Grief. It's a horrible feeling that many will go through on life whether it's a loss of a pet or a relative someone will always feel grief and the process of grief is something i never got to feel until i met a guy. 

Some people deal with grief in many ways, some inflict pain on themselves or others just relieve to the tension or to feel physical pain other than emotional pain. Some people stay in their beds days on ends, moping and sobbing about the dead, and some people carry on with their lives locking their grief away in a box and throwing away the key to never open the box and feel their grief. 

I didn't feel anything, no love, no grief, no fullingness, i was empty, cold and heartless. Until the first time i laid eyes on the raven black hair, the chocolate brown eyes with a hint of green making my heart literally swoon. I was knocked back by the feeling i remember so well, it's the first time i felt i never knew what i felt but now it's clear as day and i forever hold that feeling and memory with all i can. 

Our meeting wasn't romantic but i would never change it for the world, ever. The man in the cartoon jacket forever and always the man that changed my life, the man that will forever hold my heart and i his. 

This is my story of how Ethan Grant taught me how to feel how Ethan Grant stole my heart. 

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