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4th July 1967

Just like every year i go to the beach party for the fourth of july watching the firework display and spending time with my mum and all my friends, but this time it's more special, it's Ethans first time.

It's the first day being out of the hospital since the airport incident and it's his first time meeting my friends and hanging out with them, however he isn't allowed to drink alcohol and isn't allowed to move excessively.

As my mum converses with the other parents here talking about god knows what, i watch as Ethan laughs at my friends terrible jokes watching smiling like this makes my heart skip and leap and my stomach swarm with butterflies.

He's perfect. He gets along with my friends so nicely and the parents love him and as if the world is taunting him showing how perfect his life could be it'll only be ripped away from him, the doctors told me two months tops possibly less left of him.

To me thats scary, to him it's relief. He's happy that he won't suffer in pain for too long and i'm happy for him i truly am but not seeing him everyday, or hearing his laugh and his angelic voice is gonna get hard to get used to when he leaves.

In just a short amount of time, he flipped my world upside down and changed me for the better, he's the first and last man i'll ever love, because no one, absolutely no one will ever be able to compare to Ethan Grant.

"Grayson" Ethans voice came out soft and worried i look at him to see him looking at me concernedly

"Yeah?" His thumb pad wipes over my cheek collecting the tears and only did i realise i was crying. "I'm fine i'm just thinking" he sighs before moving closer to me and snuggling into my side.

His fingers interlock with mine and he places a small soft kiss to my hand before giving a small smile "Stop thinking of what could be when you could think about how good i'm gonna make you feel tonight" He whispered into my ear a smirk making its way onto my face.

"I don't think so" His eyebrows furrowed in confusion "It's 100% gonna be the other way round" A small blush makes its way onto his cheeks making the big smirk only grow bigger.

"I love you" Ethan kisses me gently wanting to get the point across.

"I love you more" We pull back and the fireworks start.

Its started off small explosions making me gape in awe and constantly look over at Ethan, and once my eyes locked onto his face they never left. I watched as Ethans eyes reflected the fireworks and how they would light up in excitement, there is truly nowhere i'd rather be in my life than here right now.

I lean forwards kissing his cheek before pulling back, his eyebrows were furrowed and his lips played the perfect smile.

"What was that for?" He placed his hand over the part i kissed

"No reason" I shrugged at that before i turned around to watch the fireworks, his hands grabbed my face and turned me towards him his lips connected with mine in a soft gentle kiss, and he pulled away breathless.

"What was that for?" I mimicked him to which he gave a sheepish smile and shrugged

"No reason"


I'm ending this book soon, it's coming to the end of the story and i can honestly tell you this has by far been my favourite book i've written so far.


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