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Dekus pov

Wow! Kacchan has such an amazing quirk. I hope I get one just as great. I can't wait till I get mine then Kacchan and I can be Pro Hero's together. At the moment Kacchan and I were walking home from school, Kacchan was showing off his little explosions. I smiled at him but let out a startled yelp when my arm was harshly grabbed. I looked up to see two older men who smelled of that red stuff mom and Mrs. Bakugo drank when talking with each other.

"Look at this cute little girly." the one with horns said.

"Hey leave her alone!" Kacchan yelled, his hands lighting up in tiny explosions.

"Shut the fuck up, kid." the other one said pushing Kacchan to the ground. They laughed and looked down at me, "Why don't you come home with us. We can have lots of fun." I smiled at them and gently put my hand on the arm that was gripping my wrist.

"No thank you. Can you please let me go and can you please calm down." I said and surprisingly, my hand glowed a light green and the man let go of me with a dopey smile.

"Of course little lady." I looked at my hands shocked and confused.

"What the fuck ma-" the other man was about to say but he was cut of by Kacchan punching him in the crotch with an explosion in hand.

"Fuck off!" Kacchan yelled. I covered my mouth with my hands in shock.

"Kacchan, that's a bad word." I said surprised.

"Shut the fuck up! How did you do that anyway?" he asked looking at my hands confused.

"I don't know. I put my hands on him like this." I said putting my hands on the guy that Kacchan punched in the crotch, making my hands glow, "and told him to let me go and calm down." a dopey smile appeared on his face and he sighed.

"You guys can go now." I said and the guys turned around and walked off in a daze. I looked at Kacchan and he shrugged

"Must be your quirck. Let's go home and tell your mom. " he said. I nodded and we were off.

We got to my apartment and walked, "I'm home, mom!" I called out. Mom came waking out smiling.

"Welcome izu! Oh hello Katsuki, does your mom know that you're here?" he turned around and walked to the window, opened it and yelled:

"MOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!! IM STAYING OVER WITH IZUCHAN AND MS. MIDORIYA!!!!!!" he yelled at the top of his lungs and moments later...

"OOOOOOOOK DONT STAY TOO LATE!!!!!!" Mrs Bakugo yelled back from across the street.

"Mom knows Ms Midoriya." mom was rubbing her ringing ears at smiled at kacchan.

"OK then katsuki. I can add hot sauce to your pork cutlet bowl if you want." mom smiled down at him.

"Yes please. Oh and Ms. Midoriya, izuchan got her quirk." I smiled at mom at that.

"Yeah, I put my hand on this man ,it started glowing this green and then I told him to let me go and calm down." I showed my hands to my mom.

"That's great Izuka! I'm so happy for you." mom squealed and hugged me tightly.

"Ms. Midoriya, izuchan's turning blue." mom let go of me allowing me to breath.

"Why don't you two go play." we immediately ran to my room. I sat on my bed that had All might sheets and grabbed my All might stuffie. Kacchan sat next to me.

"Hey, Does this mean you have some kind of mind control quirk?" Kacchan asked.

I put my hand on his making it glow, "Go get me juice." he didnt move but he did seem to relax about with a smile on his face. "Guess not. How do you feel? " I frowned because that would be a really useful quirk.

"I feel great. Relaxed and calm actually." he said flopping on my bed. "Maybe that's your quirk to relax people with your touch." I frowned at that, how can I fight with that type of quirk? I can't blow up stuff like kacchan. I can't set stuff on fire life Endeavor. I can't do anything with this stupid quirk. "Izu? Is something wrong?" kacchan asked sitting up.

"How am I going to be a hero? I can't fight with this quirk. I can't do anything with this quirk. How can I be the best pro heroin if I can't even fight?" I said with tears flowing down my cheeks.

Kacchan wiped my tears away, "Hey you stopped that guy earlier just by touching him, that is a petty cool thing to do. You'll be an amazing pro hero. Besides, I'll be the best pro hero, after all I am super awesome." I smiled at that knowing Katsuki was trying to cheer me up.

"But still, I still need to know how to fight Kacchan. Unlike you my quirk isn't meant for fighting. I'll have to start training to get what I want. And soon we will be the best pro heroes." kacchan gave me a determined smile.

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