Who Wants Me Dead?

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I was just getting used to the occasional weird experience since I woke up face to face with that doc, but this... this was on another level on its own. it felt like a twenty-four/seven hallucination on an endless time loop, fire and all. 

I gulped, taking a step backwards, nearly tripling on a mighty pebble beneath my foot. The whole building was on fire. Windows shattered from the massive force of the blast, anything that could be burned was on fire. 

I stumbled backwards, trying to catch my breath. The heat was harsh, practically crawling towards me. Still couldn't hear anything but at least I was alive. The ringing was getting worse but at least that meant I could hear. 

I didn't believe in coincidences, or at least I hope I didn't believe in them before my memory gap. My adrenaline switched to flight -or- fight mode. The only problem? There were no weirdos to fight. 

All I had to fight with was a burning building crumbling to pieces. 

So I chose flight.... that and in-hailing smoke wasn't probably good for my lungs either. And no I didn't fly out of the situation -which would have been epic- I turned around to figure out where the heck I was. 

And everything went downhill from there.

I was surrounded by city buildings and people. And when I mean people, I mean like over 100 of 'em buggers just staring at me and the exploded building. Two random people from the crowd came running at me, yelling things over and over again but to be honest I couldn't really hear what they were saying. All I saw was their mouths moving open and closed over and over again. 

The disgusting smell of burnt rubber wavered into my nostrils and I held back a nasty cough. The dude and the lady (yes, it was a lady wearing yoga clothing and a man in a business suit) were in my face. One of them barked at a random onlooker about something.

I guess my hearing was working again because car alarms were becoming louder. That and I could finally hear all the screams and yelling my audience were making. They were like a flock of pigeons, hooing to no end. 

"Are you okay?!" the man said, grabbing my shoulders and staring into my face. 

I blinked. What else could I say at that point? Oh you know, just escaped from four people who said they knew me when I was a baby, they then chased me up five flights of stairs, I climbed out a fire escape ladder, and the building exploded as I was running away? Or maybe I should tell them how I woke up with a random dude and a nurse ready to plunge some needle into my arm; that random people with guns have been chasing me for the past two and a half days, and a diner exploded on me as well? Ooooor maybe I should talk about how I stole a cop's car, proceeded to use his wallet, and all the TVs keeps saying I'm dangerous and wanted?? I'm sure these two people would get a kick out of that story. If they'd even believe any of it before throwing me in a psycho hospital. 

"We're getting an ambulance, is anything broken?" the lady asked, and she kept asking questions.

More people surrounded me, eventually sirens wailed closer and police appeared from all directions. An ambulance made its way to me and four guys took out a stretcher. Maybe it was the confusion, or the fact I nearly got exploded five minutes ago, but I listened to the directions the paramedics gave to me. Probably because I've filled up my scared-crapless quota for the day.

They had me lie down on the stretcher, hooked me up to some stuff on the stretcher, and lifted me into the ambulance. 

They kept asking me questions over and over again, their mouths parting at rapid speeds. The only thing that I could do was think, the taste of blood and dirt wasn't going away easily.

Why would the building explode if wasn't suppose to have there people inside? 

Then it hit me like a punch to the stomach. I was left sitting in the stretcher with numbness to my arm, blood in my mouth, and two burning questions. 

Someone knew Hobo Johnathan and the others were there. This was deliberate. But who would want those inside the building dead?


.. am I one of those people?

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