Chapter 2

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It wasn't me, why would I kill my own wife? She's the best thing that ever happened to me. She was the love of my life.

But they just ignore him. By the time they make it to the police station its about 11 at night. After they put him in the system they throw him in a holding cell. Theo falls asleep instantly.

Get up! An officer yells to theo.

Theo hops up and rubs his eyes. "What time is it?"

About 6 In the morning. Now let's go the female officer replies. she unlocks the door and handcuffs Theo.

Why the handcuffs, I'm not a dangerous person.

That's not what i heard.. Murdering your wife sounds pretty dangerous to me. So the handcuffs are necessary. Now start walking.

Where are we going?

Interrogation room. Hope you got a damn good excuse for this.

Once they reach the room the officer opens the door and Theo hesitates to go in. She pushes him into the room and orders him to sit down. Theo waits at least an hour for the detectives. So Theo goes to sleep.

Bang, bang, detective romeo hits the metal table startling Theo.

Detective Romeo is A tall average size man with dark brown hair.

listen i know you did it so just confess and let's not make this hard. says detective Romeo

you don't know jack.

bullshit, the officers saw you holding the knife

I didn't kill her though just let me explain

well since you say I don't know anything. explain what happened.

Alright here's what happened. When i got home things didn't seem right because my wife usually greets me at the door with a hug and kiss. so I called out her name a few times but no response. I thought she went out to the store. I went to the kitchen to get some food but the fridge was empty. Now I was sure she was out getting groceries . I went to take a shower but I forgot my towel. As I approached the door I saw legs then a body. I couldn't bare the thought of living without her so I decided to end it all.  With silent tears rolling down my face I picked up the knife and just as I did the police burst through the front door.

Well that just doesn't seem right . You sure you telling the entire story buddy? So the officers just so happen to come in right when your about to Stab yourself. For now ill give you the benefit of the doubt. You will still be considered a suspect though so don't expect to be treated any differently. Now let's get into detail. what time did you get home?

I think around 10:30

what time did you leave work?

around 7

Alright let's stop right there . Tell me just where could you possibly work that takes you 3 and a half hours to get home . I'm not here to play games with you . You're already stepping on thin ice with this story . So you better think hard about your next few answers

I work at the electric company. It's about an hour out but, I always stop for gas on my way home on fridays.  ya know cars don't run on air my friend .

Listen here , I'm not your "friend" so I'd advise you to cool it on the jokes . Keep in mind who's on the opposite side of the bars here . Plus your story ain't adding it . Doesn't take 3 plus hours to get gas and go home . Are You leaving anything out? Every piece of information is critical . I mean that is if you want your freedom you say you deserve..

I only stopped at the gas station. Went inside used the toilet, grab some snacks , paid for everything and headed out . I didn't stop nowhere Else . It was jus heavy traffic out there .

Do you take me for a fool or something?

The detective leans in whispers

I take that route often and there.    ain't.    no.    traffic.

Theo begins to stutter

Um look alright fine you got me.

I KNEW IT . You dirty fucker . You killed her didn't you JUST ADMIT IT.

NO NO I DIDNT KILL HER . I just mean that ... I didn't go straight home is all...

/silence fills the room

Well then where'd you go? I'm waiting and I've got nothing but time . From the story your telling your gonna have nothing but time too. So get on with it or I'm gonna start stacking on the charges.

Fine I was at Rebecca's house till 10

With a Confused look he asks

who the hell is rebbeca?

Rebecca summers...

Rebecca summers? Elizabeth's sister Rebecca.

Yes her sister

what the hell were you doing there?/
He pauses and asks
we're you cheating on your wife with her sister.

With a heavy sigh he replies yes

It's been about a year now . I've been meaning to break it off for the longest now but everytime I try it's just I can't. I love my wife but I mean I love her sister to

So you say you love your wife but your cheating with her sister. What kind of disgusting love is that. What a joke you are . Yea I see where this is headed . Go ahead and confess. You killed your wife to be with the sister like the typical case .

I know its wrong but, its just me Elizabeth were arguing a lot lately and her sister was there to comfort me. we started spending a lot of time together then we got closer. the next thing i knew we were seeing each other constantly and it just kept going from there.

what could you two have been arguing about that drove you into her sisters arms?

Damn kids.

but you don't have kids Theo.

exactly and i intended to keep it that way . but Elizabeth didn't seem to be happy with that. so we got into arguments constantly. I just got fed up with it because she would say stupid shit . Then when I'd ignore her she'd jus spat out any random thing to hurt me . So I just left because I didnt wanna do or say anything I'd regret. Elizabeth and her sister were actually really close . So Liz told Rebecca about our arguments and Rebecca called me  me over. It started from there and took off. she just brought me peace right when I needed it . I took advantage of that and never let go .

You've been married for 5 years though doesnt that mean anything to you? You know what I don't really care to hear about your little side fiasco. What time did you get to your sister in laws house you piece of shit!


can she confirm you where there until 10


Well that's enough bullshit for today . You've given me quite the headache with this one . Unbelievable how some men can jus cheat so easily without an ounce of regret or sorrow . You know what . I'm done , we'll be speaking again soon.

The detective stand up and shakes his head then exits.

Theo overhears him and another detective discussing the case outside of the door. He tip toes up to the door and listens.

Can you actually believe this guy man . Tuh I'll tell you one thing though he has a whole lotta motive and so does that little mistress of his . we're going to have to get her down here so we can figure this thing out.

the detective enters the room and theo runs back to his chair.

I'm taking you back to your cell.

wait don't i get a phone call first.

oh yeah you do. An officer will be back to escort you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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