Torn Between Two

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"Fitz, please don't be mad." Sophie tried to implore reason.

"I'm not mad."

"Oh, well that's good--wait what?" Did Fitz really just admit that he wasn't mad at her for basically cheating on him? There had to be a catch.

"I told you, I'm not mad. I'm just...disappointed. I really thought you knew better, Sophie." And there it was. Hearing that word was worse than Fitz being mad. Worse than anything Fitz could have said.

"O-oh," she mumbled. Tears began streaming down her face. She hung her head, to afraid--no, ashamed--to even look at him. Then Sophie realized something. She shouldn't be the one crying in this situation. Fitz didn't look sad in the slightest. I mean, he didn't look happy, but not a single tear could be seen. His eyes weren't even glassy.

For a second or two, no one spoke. Then Fitz decided to speak up.

"You know, I should've seen this coming. All the looks you give him that he returns, every time you blush when he teases you. I don't know why I didn't see it before. Clearly, you prefer him over me. So why don't you just...leave." Sophie almost fell over. It felt like she'd just been punched in the stomach 100 times. Never in her life had words hurt her so badly. More tears flew to the ground. As soon as she was outside, Sophie fell to her knees and tears turned to sobs. Not that she had anyone to comfort her. Keefe was at his dad's house, Grady and Edaline were still at Havenfield, and she had just broken up with her best friend.

After soaking her entire shirt with emotion, Sophie walked slowly to the cliffs nearby, a cloud of gloom hanging over her head. Not thinking, she trotted right off of the cliffs and fell down, down, down to the rocks below. A split second later, all she could feel was pain. She'd forgotten the key to teleportation; focus. Her thoughts had been so clouded by sadness and sorrow that Sophie couldn't think about anything else--especially not something as important as teleporting.

Warm blood could be felt rushing down her leg and along her stomach. Her hand reached for the Imparter stuffed away in her pocket. Sophie called Grady. But it was Edaline who picked up. And Sophie would never forget the horror painted across her adoptive mother's face when she looked at her daughter's terrible condition. A couple seconds after Edaline had picked up, Sophie passed out. The world went black.

~ 1 hour later ~

Bark. Bark. Bark. Bark. Sophie could hear Bullhorn screaming his head off as Elwin rushed her to her specially marked cot. But now was no time for jokes. Before passing out again, Sophie saw the blurry figure she knew to be Elwin. Different colored lights flashed in her face. Then more blood. And then darkness.

~ 1 month later ~

Sophie. Sophie. "Sophie." Grady was calling to her. Sophie's eyes told her that she should go back to sleep, but her brain and heart wanted her to wake up. She decided to let the heart and brain win, not the eyes (even though she woke up and practically hissed like a vampire exposed to sunlight).

"Hi, honey," Edaline commented from somewhere in the room. Sophie tried to move her neck to see Edaline, just to find out that she had a neck brace on. In fact, it felt as though her whole body was in a cast.

"How long have I been asleep?" she inquired.

"About a month." Sophie's eyes widened. A month?! What had happened? Where was Keefe? Elwin answered her last question a second later.

"Keefe, she's awake. You may come in now," Elwin called.

Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. In less than a second, Keefe was beside the cot.

"Sophie! What happened?!" A lot of other questions came out of his mouth, but they all blurred together. She felt like she had a migraine times 1,000.

"I-I wa-was t-trying-g to te-teleport a-and then I-I...." Sophie tried her best to explain but all she could feel was pain. Keefe put his hand over her mouth.

"It's okay. You're not ready right now."

Elwin walked over and pulled Edaline aside to discuss something with her (most likely about Sophie's injuries). Keefe sat on the cot beside her, not daring to crack any jokes about the many times that Sophie Foster has almost died. When Edaline came back over, her perfect makeup was smudged and tears were falling from her face.

"W-what? I-is it t-that b-bad?" This time, the stuttering wasn't from the pain. It was from fear. What could have Edaline so worried that she would be breaking down like this?  Sophie wondered.

"Sophie..." she began. Edaline shook her head, not able to continue. Elwin stepped forward.

"Sophie...your injuries are very serious and...I'm afraid you won't ever be able to move on your own again. Ever." Sophie was shocked. Speechless. Nothing came from her mouth for the next couple of weeks. She'd fallen into a depressed mood, not knowing (or caring) what would happen to her next. All of the joy had been drained from her heart. She didn't even feel for Keefe anymore.

About three weeks after hearing the terrible news, Sophie finally spoke. Edaline had come to help her change into new clothes, seeing as the ones she was wearing had been worn for about a month and a half. Plus, the whole hospital wing was starting to smell, and Elwin begged Edaline to give Sophie a bath or at least change her clothes.

"Hi, mom." Edaline perked up. Sophie was the first person she'd talked to in weeks.

"Hey, honey. Feeling a little better?"

"As best as a paralyzed person can feel," she responded bitterly. Edaline sighed.

"So, what really  happened that evening?"

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter of The Spark: A Sokeefe Story! Bet you never saw that twist coming (mwahahhahaha). Sorry, but something had to happen ;) Not everything in this story is a perfect romance, I'll tell you that much. But anyways, this story hit 200 reads! Thank you so much <3

Question of the Day: Your thoughts on Sophie being paralyzed? Comment down below what you think will happen next!

P.S. Go follow my other account: AuthorAvery (I write fiction stories on there and I'd love to have your support).

Thanks for reading! <3

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