The Hard Truth

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Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying my Sokeefe story (also, the bold author's note will now be at the top of the story, not the bottom). Just wanted to update y'all about why I'm not publishing as often as usual. School has been in session for a while now, and I haven't had a lot of time to write (not as much as I usually have). So I decided that I will be posted 1-2 times a week (maybe 3 if I get some extra free time).

P.S. Any bold writing during the story is me talking--a new detail I added :)

Also, another reminder: please go check out my Sophitz story! I know that the people reading this probably aren't Sophitz shippers, but I hope you enjoy it if you decide to read it. Alright, enough of my blabbering. Enjoy the story!

Thanks for reading! <3

Okay. Here we go. You got this. She won't judge you...will she? Sophie tried to give herself the courage to tell Edaline what she really did and why.

"It was all an accident. I already told you that I was going to Everglen before I left, right?" Edaline nodded. "Anyways, I teleported over there and Fitz was waiting at the gates. It felt really awkward being around him since I found out that Keefe and I--" Her adoptive mother cut her off.

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold on a second. What happened with you and Fitz? I thought he was your dream guy, your first crush, your first...well, everything! Now you're talking about Keefe? Explain. Now," Edaline demanded softly (sorry not sure if that makes any sense).

"Right! I haven't told you yet. You probably already know that I kissed Fitz at the sleepover, and he confessed his feelings for me, yes?" Edaline nodded again. "Well, after that happened with Fitz, something didn't feel right. I thought it was because it was my first time having feelings for someone that strongly. Anyhow, later into the night, we were playing truth or dare. Tam dared me to kiss Keefe--knowing that I liked Fitz and not "That Boy" as Grady would call him. Forced to accept the dare, I kissed Keefe and immediately I felt a spark between us. It was something new that I'd never felt before. Not during the kiss with Fitz or Dex."

"Wow." Edaline had to let the emotion sink in before she gave Sophie the permission to continue.

"Now that you know the backstory, I'll tell you what happened (or what I remember) from the night of my injury."

Sophie then explained the whole story of how rejection stabbed Fitz in the heart and then she felt so bad that she jumped off the edge of the bluffs, not focusing on anything other than her best friend's disappointed face. By the end of the story, Edaline's jaw was practically on the floor.

"So all of this--" she gestured to Sophie's injuries "--was because of a...boy?" Now that Edaline had said it out loud, it did sound really stupid. Sophie hung her head. Look what just a small bit of drama could do to her. After all she'd gone through, this was all it took to break her. A broken heart.

Practically throwing herself at Edaline, Sophie burst into tears. Then droplets turned to a thunderstorm of emotions. Minute after minute, the cries got louder and louder; though some of the tears were caused by pain from all of the commotion. By the end of it all, she was still sniffling and the bed--as well as Edaline's clothes--had been soaked with sadness and despair. Elwin had made his way over to the special cot with a portrait of Sophie hanging above it. At one point, it was a joke; now it had become a reality. Almost every day, Elwin's "favorite patient" would come in with yet another injury.

Sophie began to wonder if things would ever get back to normal (whatever that was; she hadn't quite gotten the experience yet). And just when things were working out for her, Sophie had to go and throw herself off a cliff and nearly die for a boy. A couple of hours later, Grady came in to check on her. Eyes red and puffy, nose stuffy from all the crying, and about a million new injuries from all of the thrashing in her sleep. Her legs were still yet to move, which brought about a gazillion new worries to her mind.

Keefe was at the door every morning, noon, and night with get well cards, flowers, candies; you name it! But he only made Sophie feel worse. Not that it was his intention, but she just couldn't handle it right now. The cherry on top was the fact that Fitz still hadn't come to visit her. Or Biana. Or Dex. Or any of her friends. One of her biggest injuries and not one of them had thought "Oh, I wonder what happened to Sophie? We haven't seen her in a while!" To be honest, it hurt. A lot. Biana probably thought she was a jerk. Dex was probably told by Fitz. And Sophie had tried to contact Tam and Linh in a while.

All of this led her to the hard truth: maybe her friends didn't care. Maybe everyone was just leading her on. Maybe they were talking behind her back. So many what ifs crossed her mind that a headache occurred. The only thing left to do was sleep on it. Literally.


What do you think will happen next? Will Sophie be paralyzed forever? Do her friends not care about her? Find out in the next chapter of The Spark: A Sokeefe Story!

P.S. I know this was a short chapter. I didn't have a lot of time :(

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