~invitation~ 1

178 5 1

Will and Alex kept bumping into you that week and when you wer trying to get into your room a familiar voice  called out

Alex : "hey y/n! Need any help"

You  quickly take your headphones out looking embarrassed "urm if you don't mind"

Alex takes your shopping bags with another guy you don't recognise as you open your door and let them both in Alex puts them down on the counter as the other dude stands there

Alex : "oh and this is George!"

George : "ello" he finally looks up at you

Alex : smiles "hey George it's ok she won't expose your face"

You: smile realising he's memeulous
"Oh so he's the one bullying you about bath water" you all start to giggle

George : "yeah big al"

You : giggle "soo what brings you here anyway and thanks for helping me!"

Alex : "well I wanted to invite you over hahah haven't seen you in a while and no prob "

George : "him and will won't shut up about you"

You laugh And look at Alex and he's blushing

Alex : scratching the back of his neck "hahah well urm yeah you know the owners of the building let us sit in the back with all the new chairs so we might set the fire up and have some beers as welllll" trying to change the convo

You : "yeah I'll get changed and make my way up"

Alex : " HEY I got some like new merch urm...if you want to like wear it!" Passes her a pink internet sensation hoodie

You : "aww thanks Alex" you hug him "see you later I guess oh and nice to meet ya George" you hug him and he hugs back

George starts to blush as you let go as George and alex then go back to there apartment upstairs

You get ready and put Alex's hoodie on and make your way up to the apartment George answered the door and let you in

You : "wers the others?"

George : "uhh downstairs they went to the fire outside"

You : "oh how come the owners let you anyway"

George : " they like will apparently"

You : " oh nice"

You an George went Into his room and you sat on his bed as he finished editing a video

"Woooah your bed is like mega comfy wtffff"

George : "hahah yeah oi hold on a min you can't sit on my bed with that on"
He walks out and comes back in with hoodies of his merch "there pick one"

You : giggle and take a baggy black one "you gonna turn around then?" 

George : blushing "yeah sorry" he turns around

you take Alex's off and put the black one on "done"

George : turns back around blushing looking at you giggles "that's so big on you"

You : "leave me alone Ino I'm smallll"

George : "bahahah let's go down now I'm finished"

You make your way down and Stephen was coming up the stairs you flinch as George grabs your hand and holds it you don't know what's going on rn but you just blush

Stephen : "well well well who's this George"

George : coughs "zip it Stephen"

Stephen :"I'm getting more drinks see ya down stairs"

Stephen walks away and George let's go of your Hand turns to you full face red

George : "right can I explain somthing and please help me out.."

You also blushing really hard "y-yeah"

George explains he had a bet with the boys that he can't get a girl and shit and yeah "so I was wondering if we could like fake a relationship....sorry it sounds so bad"

You smile "uhh sure"

George : "thanks"

You smile again as you walk outside he grabs your hand again and everyone looks over and gasps

Alexs face drops...

Josh : "ooooooooooooohhhh"

James : "ooooohhh"

Will : "omg George your with y/n!"

Alex : he knew something was up And just sipped his drink

You and George went and sat down
And Alex looked really pissed

Fraser : "wearing George's merch as well!!"

Stephen comes back with the drinks "yooo so like since when did this happend?"

George : "urm like a couple of wee-"

Alex : slams his drink down and walks back Inside and everyone jumps

You feel bad and walk after him "one sec"

Alex : drunk and upset kinda crying and falling into a wall

You : "Alex.."

Alex jumps "ah..urm y/n Didn't see ya there..,,".

You : "s-sor- wait are you crying!" You walk over to him as he wipes his tears away

Alex : "nah I'm fine"

You: "what is it"

Alex slides down the wall and you fall down to talk to him

Alex : "you and George...I've lost someone again .."

You blush realising what Alex said and froze as he leaned forward and kissed you he continued kissing you as George walked in and he stopped

George : "hey what y-"

Your still frozen trying to figure out what just happend until George walked over and grabbed you and pulled you into a hug "y/N go outside with will me and Alex gonna talk.."

Alex : "hey I...Look I'm drunk and...I've liked y/n for a long time..."

George : "yeah well let her decide yeah...maybe I like her to" he walks back outside and sits with you

Alex walked back outside with poofy eyes and sat next to will

Will : "so wanna play truth or dare?"

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