×truth or dare 2×

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You :" yeah sure"

Will : "before we do can I make a toast to y/n! My best friend since like primary and we grew up together with are pal Alex! I'll never forget all are memories togehter" starts to get emotional obvs drunk anyway And walks over and brings you into a big hug "love ya! Your just like my little sister!"

All the lads start to clap and cheer

Stephen : "got a big soft there mate"

Fraser : "bahaha tell me about it"

Will : "Oh shut uppp"

James : "truth or dare then?"

You all agree and play you all been playing for about 10 minutes and then Alex asks George a truth

Alex : "how long you been dating and have you kissed yet" Alex sips his drink

You swig your alcoholic drink with regrets cuz u will get drunk but it's just getting started...

George : "urm we started dating like last week I guess..."

Alex : "you kis-"

Alex was about to finish as George grabbed you and full on maked out with you... you enjoyed it and carried it on until

Will : "alright George stop being a nonce!"

You and George break the kiss.

You : "I should get going soon.."

Will :"hehe yeah it is pretty late"

You : "might go now..I have to be up early tommorow.." You lie..

Will : "alrigh gnnn"

You : stand up "thanks everyone see ya soon!"

George : "come on I'll walk you "

You and George walk up to your room kinda awkward

George : "hey look im sorry about all this if you want we can stop i-"

You : "NO-" you cough "I mean if you want" ...

George : giggles "maybe I could take you on a fake date"

You : "smuuug...Oh and this is me " you open your door and walk inside leaving George at the door "maybe...I'll think about are fake date..."

George : "oh really no fake goodnight kiss?"

You : "haaa haa"

George : gives you a cute smile and sticks his face out for you to kiss him

You : blush but just hug him "goodnight.."

George : "good-"

You shut the door and slide down it blushing..

George "-night"... he then goes back outside...

You go to your room and here the boys out in the back laughing screaming you listen into there convo and it sounds like George just came back

Josh : "so wer did you get that fitty"

Alex : "shut up Josh"

Will : "Oh sorry yeah Alex is obsessed with he- OOH HI GEORGE!"

George : "did I miss anything"

Josh : "nah just about Alex wankin over yo girl"

George : "d fuk!" He says pissed

James : "well that's my que for me Fraser to go and well...Stephen I guess is staying here...?"

Fraser : "yeah let's leave him"

Stephen : passed out on will

Fraser and James then leave...You sit on the floor listening to them till about 5 in the morning until you pass out..

You wake up to someone pulling you up.

You : "huh ah what..."

Alex : "you wer on the floor ..,"

You : "huh I wa- wait how did you get in..."

Alex : "your door wasn't locked..And you didn't answer any of your calls its like 12?"

You : "ah yeah sorry....hangover..."

Alex : "no prob I was gonna ask if you wanted to do a video with me will and George Stephen kinda left a hour ago?"

You : "yeah what about?"

Alex : "idk yet"

You : " ok be up in a minute gonna get dressed"

Alex : " ok see ya in a bit"

Alex leaves and goes back upstairs as you quickly get changed and go upstairs like 10 mins later you get greated by will and Alex is setting up In the living room

You : "can I use the bathroom please?"

Will : "Yeah"

he points to it as you walk in and shut the door behind you

You look up and see George standing there with his wet light brown hair over his eyes towel rapped around his weist and his abs showing ... You blush so bad and look away you turn to the door

You : "s-s-sorry

He comes up behind you and he's really close your rlly madly blushing

You : "i um I..."

George : giggles "I need to get out ..,"

You : "oh- yeah- I um-" You awkwardly move as he leaves and shuts the door

You then lock it and slide down the door panicking

×time skip× you made a video on roblox with Alex and then you did a live Q and A thing  with will Alex nd George people asked about your Insta and other accs

You : "well I urm...Don't...really have social media..."

George : "what..."

You : "uhh yeah,"

Alex and will : "oh because of"

You nod and they both understand

Will : "im sure u can have it by now anyway come on"

Will and Alex set up you a acc and as soon as you do that you get a bunch of followers already

Some other people kept asking about how you knew the lads and you explained your like whole childhood

Some other people calling you fit and will kept calling them nonces and virgins

You finally finished the live and George took off his bandana and glasses you couldn't actually look him in the eye...

Alex : "geez y/n! You have fan pages already!"

Will : "and edits bahaha George gonna go mad.. they ship u and Alex"

Alex goes red "hehehe.."

George : "haa haa fuck off im taking y/n out in a bit anyway"

You : "Oh urm I'll have to go get re-"

George : " You look perfect anyway" He blushes...

You : " thanks...,"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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