Chapter 3

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Early morning, the sun bursts through the window and an annoying tone sounds off in the distance. Britta closes her eyes tightly, enjoying the warmness that her body had produced during sleep, then she stretches her arms over her head and accidently hits the headboard, which startles her fully awake. As Britta pushes against the headboard, her body slides down the bare mattress until her feet dangle at the edge. All she remembers last night was the candle and apparently she left her clothes in the dryer because the indicator wouldn't stop beeping.

The first thing that needs to stop is that noise, so she makes her way over and grabs her linens to make the bed. The sheets flat and placid over the mattress with sharp corners as if she were trained by a drill sergeant. Completely amazing that her drill sergeant was actually a lazy, careless mother all those years. Sometimes she wondered how it went differently for her.



Caller Id: SLUT

"Hello Saby! Before you ask: no, I haven't thought about the amusement park, so don't ask if I've made up my mind." When did I become such a liar? Mmm, and Kinky? Am I still kinky, today? Does it start all over on a new day. I'm clean now-a good girl.

"Always acting as if I haven't known you for... like, my whole entire life. Stop fronting because I know you've thought about it. You're not as shy as you perceive yourself to be. So, tell me, what is your decision, boss lady?"

Britta couldn't help but to giggle a little. That's the thing about having a best friend, they know everything—even things they shouldn't know—all those secretes that are hidden in nooks and crannies are found by the best of friends. You don't have to tell them a thing, they just know. Britta knows what she wants, but doesn't know what to say or even how to express it. "I have not come to a decision yet because I haven't had time to think about it, so don't ask me again." A liar I am. A damn Kinky liar.

"Whatever, you've thought about it. I can just sense things. But fine, if you want to play games and leave your vagina dry as California, then by all means go right ahead, sister. I can't stop you, but my pussy will be flowing like Niagara Falls on this vacation. I'm going to get dicks wetter than the Titanic!"

"That mouth again. I told you I would think about it, and I will. But right now, I have to get ready for work because me and my dry vagina have a job of managing a Spa. Bye-Bye." Britta can imagine the look on Sabina's face as she hangs-up. Completely nonplussed and crestfallen would sum-up Sabina's reaction right now.

Shower and work. Saby's already making me late. As the water approaches its I-Can-Step-In temperature, she stares in the mirror and wonders how much longer she will have large perky breasts and smooth skin. Now, at age twenty-seven, she looks like a grown teen with attractive womanly features. A teen who happens to own a Spa and makes good income. Only she's not a teen. She a woman and a successful one at that. She can't see herself no more. The mirror steams over and with her finger she spells XLAND over it. She jumps into the shower with lingering thoughts of naked men, long cocks and strong abs, hard legs, and smooth butts. Another thought creeps its way in. How will I get to XLand? The Spa needs constant attention.

I think Brittany works today. I can ask her if she wants to give managing a shot, a temporary role to test her out. If she says yes and she performs well for the week, then I can promote her. I can finally hand off some responsibility to someone else, some capable like me. There's only so much I can do by myself.

A perk of being a manager is that Britta can dress however she wants. Today, she goes with a pastel summer dress, color of lilac, with a pair of black Converse Chucks. On the white tips of her Converse she has written, in gold, her favorite scene from Of Mice and Men. She laces the purple shoe strings and grabs her small purse and keys. As Britta aims to open the door, the phone rings again. "Damn it, Saby! So persistent."

"Hello?" Britta says as she looks toward the open door, begging for her to hang up and get her butt to work.

"Hey. It's... uh Wate!"

Damn it. I thought I made it crystal clear that I didn't want to speak to him ever again. I mean how much screaming and yelling does a girl have exert in a restaurant before the man gets a hint. At this point it's not even a hint it's a direct leave me the fuck alone. "Hey there, Wate. I'm really sorry, but I need to get going or I'll be late for work." She looks at the door. Already late anyway.

"But you're the manager. Can't you show-up anytime you want?" Wate says testily.

Why do people assume that because I own a business I can do whatever I want? Sure, I could show-up late, but I'm the one setting the example for my employees and that wouldn't be acceptable. No sir, it wouldn't. "I guess I could, but I have get going, bye." Britta says hurriedly. Why do I keep saying sorry to him? He's the one who ruined the potential relationship, and did he call me a cunt as I hung-up. I'm sure I heard something in those lines. He said something.

Work, finally!

With a heavy foot on the pedal, she makes it just a few minutes late. Britta parks clumsily, tires hitting the curb, knocking her forward. Already late, minus well enjoy the song the classic over the radio. The jam plays at a speaker cracking volume and her graffitied Converse tap-away on the floor-mat. Britta bobs to the beat and snaps her fingers. The whole while, she is oblivious to the fact that someone is watching her.

When Britta turns her head, she sees Brittany waving from her car. Britta waves, takes the key out, and hops out. Slightly embarrassed. Usually everyone else is a few minutes late too, the usual five-ten minutes. Britta quickly walks towards the entrance. She unlocks the double doors, and immediately, a burst of essential oils captivates her sense of smell.

I cannot recall one instance where Brittany has been late. I mean... two other women are supposed to be here by now. Those two always show-up at the last minute—but at least they show up. I like to believe that I make this place a welcoming work environment. The least anyone can do is show-up ten minutes early not ten late, and Brittany is always here before me. And that's why I will have that conversation with her.

"Good morning, Britta!" Brittany shouts with her natural excitement behind her voice.

"Morning-morning. How are you?"

"I'm okay. The weather isn't too bad today. I'm thinking about going to the beach later. Would you like to join me?"

"Brittany, you know I like to follow my own set of rules. Strictly professional. We don't need to let the others know that I find you higher than the other girls by hanging out, you know." Here's my chance to ask her if she wants the responsibility-role of manager for a week. I sure as hell do deserve a break, but do I want to spend it in some inexplicable sex land of sorts? This is difficult. And a vacation with Saby is not a vacation at all. Minus well be pulling doubles at work.

"Brittany, I have a proposal, something that could work for the both us. How would you like to manage the spa for a week? I know it's a sudden question, but I strongly believe that you have potential to move up in this business, and if you'd like to take management status for a week and everything seems in place when I come back, then I can possibly think about a promotion or something in those lines."

"Wow! Really? I... of course. It sounds like a challenge but to hell with that. I'll take the challenge. Wow! I mean, are you serious?" Brittany quickly steps closer and hugs Britta with tremendous strength.

"Your welcome and yes I'm seri—I can't breath, Brittany."

"Oh sorry. I'm just so excited!"

I'm excited too. You don't even know. "You're quite strong for a petite girl like yourself."

Brittany flexes her small biceps like a bodybuilder and smiles. "Work it, Brittany. You must turn heads at the gym."

"Oh, stop it. I'm going to get the massage room ready. Thanks again for the opportunity. Won't let you down."

"No problem."

That's that. All youhave to do is ask and all will be provided. She read somewhere. Can't remember,but the hell it works mighty fine. Saby will explode with the news. I... guessthis means I've decided. I'm going to XLand!

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