Part 6 - TINI

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As I pressented Jorge to the Stage I can see he is a little supriced, but as he walk up his face changed and I could finally see his wonderful smile that I love, I smilled back and then gave him a big hug, I miss him so mutch, it feel so good to be in his arms again, it feel warm and safe, I wish this could last forever, but We need to continue the show so I slowelly let go from him then the music started. We start singing together and it was like a dream comming true, I have been waiting so long for us to meet again and sing together, It have feelt like a pice of me have been gone and I have been felling so lonely every second we are apart from each other, I thought as I Feelt someone holding my hand, it was Jorge, we sang as he did it, I couldn't help but to smile at him, he smiled back, I didn't think this moment could be more perfect But after a while of singing he got closet to me as he looked into my eyes, I had forgott how dreamy he was and could do nothing more then to smile even bigger then before, I think I blushed when he put his hand in my hair and played a little with it, we stood nose to nose, I can feel the butterflies in my stomach and as the music stopped playing, I could feel his soft Lips finally press against mine again, This wasn't like a kiss I shered with Sebastian, this kiss was soft and warm, but still passionally in a way, this kiss was exactlly as I wanted it to be, exactlly as the kiss of my dreams is, and it's with Jorge, withouth thinking I kissed him back, it was like the whole world around us dissapered, it was only me and him, I never want this to end I thought as Jorge let go of the kiss. "No!" I thought as I looked at him, he looked in a worried way at the crowd, they were all silent and some looked AT us in shook, I would want to explain for them but the curtines came down and the show was over...Me and Jorge got nervously to the room were the others are, they stare juddging at us, we didn't say a word untill Sebastian came He was red all over his face off Anger and he screamed at Jorge That he hate him, that he never should have been invited here, I told him to stop, but he wouldn't listen to me, he puched jorge and presseed him on the wall as he took a pocket knife and cut him, Sebastian screamed "DON'T YOU DARE COME NEAR MY GIRL EVER AGAIN!!" Jorge start bleeding, I tryed to make Sebastian calm down but he just start Hitting him hard, It felled blood from Jorges Nose, Sebastian puched him to the ground, he start hitting, kicking and Spitting on him, I start cry from the side as he took the knife and Start cutting him over and over again, it was small cuts but still If Jorge loses to mutch blood he COULD DIE!. I screamed at Sebastian "STOP IT!, YOU WILL KILL HIM", I try to dragg Sebastian away from Jorge, but it was to Late, Jorge had all readdy Blacked out.

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