Part 16 - Jorges Pro:

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 I was finally here, outside the door to the love of my Life I'm so excited and can't wait to give her that big hug and kiss those soft lips again, I was on my way of knocking at her door as I thought about how mutch I wanna be together with her, and I know for a fact that nothing can stop me! and nothing can stop our feelings for each other! as I heared someone screaming "Hey!!! Didn't I TELL YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM MY GIRL?!!!" I knew allreaddy that it was Sebastian, Pleas Not again! Last time I saw this guy he beated/cut me with a knife untill I blacked out!, I ended up at the hospital!!!!, I won't lie when I say I got afraid of him getting closer to me and to see him also made me think "What the heck am I doing?!, TINI is in a relationship with this guy and even if it's hard to belive she loves him, not me. whatever we had was in the past, we loved each other but I lost our memories and broked her heart, and I guess she moved on now...It's sad...she might not love me like that anymore but I know my feelings for her is real, i need to do the right thing, i still need to tell her how I feel, I need to breake up with Stephie and I still need to fight for Martinas heart, If she dosn't love me that's okey, as long she knows what I really feel and all the things I would do for her...In that moment I stared right in Sebastians Eyes, it was like he had fire in them, and so mutch anger, but even if he wanted me to, i showed no fear to him, so that when he go for attack I atacked him back, a big fight happened between us, and we start screaming at each other, "YOU'RE WORTHLESS...!" Sebastian screamed to me "...TINI WOULD NEVER BE WITH A PATETIC LOSER LIKE YOU!!" THAT'S IT!!! i took Sebastian and Pressed him to the wall the hardest I can "DON'T YOU DARE TALKING TO ME LIKE THAT, YOU DON'T KNOW WHO YOU'RE MESSING WITH!!" I don't know what came over me, I know in a fight I would never win but still I stood up for myself wich feelt good but I regreted it verry fast, Sebastian took his Pocketknife again wich made me lose my gribb on him, now he was the one pressing me to the wall with the knife close to my face I looked at it closely and see It has my old blood on it. Sebastian say "YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DON'T KNOW WHO YOU'RE MESSING WITH, I CAN KILL YOU RIGHT AT THIS SPOT, BUT I CHOSE NOT TO CAUSE I KNOW THAT YOU ARE WEEK AND WILL LISTEN TO EVERYTHING THAT I SAY!!!". He now took the knife down to my neek and pressed it slowely against it while saying "....LISTEN YOU LITTEL MOTHER FUCKER!!!!I SAY THIS ONLY ONCE, STAY AWAY FROM TINI OR ELSE YOU WILL REGRET IT, YOU HAVN'T A CLUE ON WHAT I'M CAPABLE OF!!" in that moment he made a small cut on my neek, It start bleeding and I started to get verry afraid of him, I knew if he had cut deeper I would be dead by now, I allreaddy had a problem breathing, and A big blood lose, I knew that I soon would black out And I did, but Even if everything around me got black I could still hear what happened around me...Sebastian called an ambulanc, he Lied and said he found me like this...The last thing I thought before I lost all my consciousness was "THIS MAN IS GOING DOWN!"

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