Chapter 1

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(Y/N) walked into her classroom when her teacher told her to. She was in 1-4 but could of made it to 1-5, the advanced class but decided not to since it would be harder.

"Ah. Please introduce yourself." The teacher asked, when (Y/N) walked through the door.

"Ohayō gozaimasu, I'm (F/N) (L/N), Nice to meet you!" She smiled brightly. Unknown to her, some of her classmates blushed at her smile.

"Sit in front of Tsukishima-san, (Y/N)-san." (Y/N) nodded to the teacher and sat down.

In barely 5 minutes, Tsukishima began kicking the back of the (H/C) haired girl. He did this for a few seconds, before (Y/N) interuppted by whispering,

"Refrain from doing that please." Tsukishima stopped, for a while that is until he began doing it again. This time it was harsher.

"You God damn Beanstalk." She whispered the insult quietly.

"That's rich coming from you midget." Tsukishima Shot back.

" Eiffel Tower."


"Salty French Fry."



"Shut the hell up." He growls.

"Ohohohoho~ Is this the nickname you hate?"

They threw insults at each other before the teacher noticed.

The school day passed by quickly. Soon enough it was the end of the day.

Come to think of it... Isn't Sho-chan here?! Where is that orange ball? (Y/N) thought irritated. First he leaves me for class and now he hides? (Y/N) thought gloomy.

"(N/N OR NICKNAME)-chan!" A voice called out.

"Sho-chan?" The (H/C) haired girl turned her head around to see Hinata running up to her.

"Let's go to the gym together!" Hinata added.

"Sure!" (Y/N) agreed. Her phone pinged and she took it out.

Mom₍ᐢ •⌄• ᐢ₎: (Y/N) dear, I'm home.

(Y/N) stopped out of nowhere resulting in Hinata stopping as well.

"What's wrong?" Hinata asked.

"Sorry, Sho-chan! I need to go home. Mother is home today." (Y/N) apologized.

"Aw... That's too bad!" Hinata pouts.

"Sorry! I need to go. Cya, Sho-chan!" (Y/N) smiled sadly and waved goodbye.

"See you tomorrow! Just you wait, I'll get into the volleyball team, (N/N)-chan!" Hinata shouted before he ran off.

(Y/N) sped home in a hurry. You see, Her mother was a famous model and actress. She travels around the world and gets alot of money. Her father was an actor and also a composer of some very famous songs and poems. That also gains their family a lot of money but her parents are usually never home.

"Mom!" (Y/N) yells when she opens the door to her home.

"(Y/N) sweetie, there you are!" Her mother ran up and hugged her. "Sorry to make you run home when you wanted to play volleyball."

"It's fine Ma. Besides..." (Y/N) beamed. "I wouldn't miss it for a second of the day." (M/N OR MOTHER NAME) smiled.

"Why are you such an angel?" (M/N) squished her cheeks.

"WAH! Stowp ivt." (Y/N) protested.

"Okay, Okay." (M/N) grinned. "I'll go cook something for you. A little snack."

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