Chapter 2

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(Y/N) woke up to a person screaming her name.

"What the..." (Y/N) mumbles as soon as she wakes up. Blinking her eyes, she moved the curtain away and was blinded by a bright light. "Gah!" She let out.

"(N/N)! (N/N)! Get down here!" A voice called out. Poking her head through the window she saw Hinata waved his hands frantically.

"Sho-chan, It's too early!" (Y/N) groans, her bed hair tickling her neck.

"I got some news!" Letting out another groan, (Y/N) changed into her uniform and brushed her hair. After brushing her teeth, she walked down the stairs and saw her mom asleep on the couch. Smiling softly, she grabbed her backpack off the table, shoved a toast into her mouth, and put on her shoes. Hinata was practically bouncing as she locked the door behind her.

"What is it Sho-chan?" (Y/N) crossed her arms. "What is soo important, I had to get out of my comfy bed?"

"Well..." Hinata starts. "I may or may not..."

"Hurry up!" (Y/N) pouts.

"I got kicked out of the volleyball club!" He yells.

"WHAT?! Wait... You weren't even in the club, to begin with."


"Here." The (H/C)-haired girl gave him a bottle of ice-cold water.

"Thanks," Hinata said with a glum look on his usually cheerful face. Leaning against the bench's back, (Y/N) looked up at the clouds.

"Let me get this straight." She turned to look at the sulking boy. "You got 'kicked out' of the club when you fought with Kageyama-kun?" Hinata tensed up at his name. "And then you knocked the wig off of the Vice's head and it landed on the captain?" Hinata's ears turned red. "With your face as well?"

"H-H-Hey! Stop teasing me!" (Y/N)'s face softens.

"I'm not teasing you." She gained a mumbled 'Yes, You are.' in response. Ignoring it, she continued, "I'm just trying to understand how you got yourself in this situation." Standing up, she puts her hands on her hips. "I don't think it's that hard! Just try to get along. It can't be that bad!" (Y/N) smiles, her teeth showing.

Hinata sent a small glare her way and let out a 'hmph'.

"You're telling me to get along with the person I wanted to defeat!" Hinata whines. "How do you expect me to do that?"

"Wait, it's Kageyama as in the king of the court?!"

"Yeah?" Hinata tilts his head. "I thought you knew?"

"I thought it was another Kageyama." (Y/N) gave him another smile. She puts a hand on his shoulder and gave him a nervous closed-eyed smile. "Good Luck."

"(N/N)!" She walked away, whistling, and a grin forming on her face. I wonder how this will turn out... She thought.


(Y/N) groaned. Why do I have to suffer this? She swept the floor, letting the trash underneath the desk and chairs appear. She had landed herself the job of keeping the classroom clean, before and after class. Now all my leisure time to watch anime is gone... She cried comically in her head. Throwing the trash out, she cleaned her hands and walked out the classroom doors. The sun had set half-way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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