Why is nick here

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Alpha p.o.v

When I get to the river fire was next to the winged men tiring to heal his wounds.

"Pearl get away from the winged men he can hurt you" I said

" Erick would do no such thing to me " fire replied

"You know this man" my beater said

" yes this is Erick my brother and here comes my other brother Michael" fire replied

Fire p.o.v

I was healing Erik wounds we the alpha said

"Pearl get away from the winged men he can hurt you"

I replied with "Erick would do no such thing to me"

"You know this man" a man next to the alpha asked

"Yes the is Erick my brother and here comes my other brother Michael" I said will Michael flow down and landed next to me

"How is he? How are you going and why are these people around" asked Mitch

"We are find,the wounds are healed and this the pack" I replied pointing around

"Hello can I get up now, Mitch get off now because if you don't I will kill you" Erik asks because Mitch is on top of him hanged him to the grown.

"Mitch haha get off haha him haha" I said will laughing

Time skip

It is noon Mitch, Erik and I are sitting in the front yard talking to each other

"Well this is a sight to see" nicks voice came from the trees from our left

"Nick what are you doing here I am going to ask you nicely to go now" I ask nicely

"No I am not going an till I have you with me and using my brother is not going to help you girl" nick replied

"Why me and not my brothers too why is it just me" I whisper so softly

"Because they are your half brothers you have the same mother"


"NICK if you hurt them I will kill you and if it takes my life so be it" alpha yells real loud.

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