Chapter 2: Pig-faced co-star and AJD life story

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C H A P T E R 2

P i g - f a c e d c o - s t a r


Alexis' P.O.V. ♡★

"Woah, hold up." I said as I raised my hands up each beside my head, as if I was surrendering. They all turned their heads to look at me with confused expressions, except one. And by the means of that (except one) what -yes, he's a 'what' now- I meant was him. He just had a smug look plastered on his face. "W-what do you mean by... C-Co-star?" I said the word co-star as I shivered with disgust.

I heard Mr. Balding guy.. I mean Mr. Henry sigh, "A co-star is a-"

"I know what a co-star means. I was asking, Why. Why is he" I said as I pointed Alec -not looking at him- and continued, "my co-star?"

"You two won't get it. But I'll tell you the reason anyway, it's simply because, both of you are "the next big thing" and when two of "the next big things" collide or work together what do you think will be the output?" He asked as he quoted "the next big thing".

"Uhhh.... The next big thing?" I guessed, I know that didn't make any sense but why not, right?

"Exactly!" He replied. And I thought I didn't make any sense.

"You've got to be kidding me!" I said to no one in particular as I slapped my hand down the table. Of all people why is he my co-star?!

"As if I'd also want that." he -the pig faced Alec- scoffed, then he continued, "In fact why the hell would I want to work with you." He said the word 'you' with so much disgust.

"How should I know! All I know is I, Alexis Hartley, doesn't want to work with you too!" I said as I plaster a fake smile and plopped down my seat harshly whilst crossing my arms over my chest. The nerve of this boy... I mean pig! "And FYI I act better than... than some guy with freakishly dark hair!" I shouted maturely... Okay maybe not maturely but more like childishly but what would you if were on my shoes, huh?!

The reaction of his face never changed, he still has a smug look plastered on it as if he didn't care, but he retorted anyways, he always does that just to get into my nerves. "Actually that guy with freakishly dark hair is better than some dark haired chick!" He stood up, almost knocking his seat as he did so.

"No way, she's totally better than him in portraying special roles of a specific movie and let's not forget her voice." I said, as I followed him in a standing position.

"Oh yeah, He better listen to a dying whale and Justin Bieber's concert at the same time than listen to that kind of horrid voice!" He said.

"Really? Cuz when she hears his songs it reminds her of a pig being slaughtered slowly!" I glared at him intensely as he did the same.

Now we were both standing intensely glaring at each other as if an intense glaring contest is happening, scratch that there really is an intense glaring contest happening.

Oh it's on!

"There's no way you're better than me in singing or acting." He said.

"My, my I never referred to someone in particular nor did I say a name... Am I right, Jen?" I asked my manager, never tearing gaze from him.

"Oh no honey, don't get me involved... again. It won't be pretty... For me, that is." She said then took a sip of her coffee. Acting innocent now are we?

"I never said a name. Those were pronouns for your information." He retorted.

"That's what a pronoun is all about, they replace the antecedent. You were totally referring to the both of us."

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