(A/N) this is only the intro and I most likely won't update this for a while but will eventualy.
It was mid-winter and I was walking down the street of a big city.
I didn't have anything to do so I just decided to go for a walk. I walked with my hands in the pockets of my black over-sized hoodie.
I had the hood up so no one could see my face. This was to avoid people staring at me. It was really annoying when people just started at me. But to be honest how could I blame them I did look a big strange.
Some people would say I looked scary. In fact a few kids had seen my face and started crying with fear. Their parents would just give me a look for "scaring" their kid then walk away with them. Some with a freaked out look themselves.
I walked at a slow pace, the cold breeze blowing my hood a little occasionally uncovering my face a slight bit. After walking for about a mile or two, I turned into an alley. I turned to face the building to the right and began to climb it until I got to a window.
I climbed in and closed the window behind me. I peered around the dark room. Then walked over to my bed and flipped off my hood as I sat on my bed, the one farthest to the right end of the room.
My breath was a bit heavy from scaling the building. It didn't help that my room was on the 5th floor. But I didn't mind. I looked around the large room with a blank expression.
It was almost 11:00 Pm. Which was when it all started every night.
"Great." I mumbled to myself as I took my hoodie off and sat it on my bed. Under it I was wearing a mostly black T-shirt, but there was a white X on the front.
I was also wearing black jeans and black and white high-top convers.
I stood in front of the wall high mirror in the room and looked at myself. I had slightly messy ash-blond hair and my right eye was a bright red. But my left eye had a huge scar right down it going from my forehead down a little past my mouth. My left eye was the opposite of normal. It was silver where it should be white and it glowed red in the middle amiting a bit of light.
I've had a lot of questions about that eye from the others in this place. But I always just tell them to mind their own damn business and that I was none of their buisness.
It was odvioisly a robotic eye but few people knew how I got it along with the scar. I could move it like normal and see from it like a normal eye. But it wasn't normal. And everyone knew it..........especially them.
(A creepy broken robotic fox like face peers through the slightly open door glowing red eye visible along with a hooked hand. The hall behind the figure is pich black)
-------A few months in the past-------
(He doesn't have the scar or robot eye)
I was laying on my bed, just staring at the roof in boredom. My left arm and leg dangling off the edge.
I let out a "sigh" as I rotated to a sitting position. It was Saturday, and most of the adults were out shopping for food, and other shit for the younger kids. And yes I mean JUST the younger kids. They didnt feed any of the older ones such as myself.
They expected us to just get stuff from the damn trash to eat. And most did, except me and a few others that were actually smart.
Every Saturday or any other day they went out to get shit, it was our time to gather food for the next few days to weeks.
I grabbed a black hoodie, slipped it over my head and grabbed my phone. I walked over to the window and lifted it up. I still didn't get why they didn't put fucken screens in these windows since they absolutely dispized us leaving. But I'm not complaining it was our one-way-ticket to freedom. Or at least mine.
I climbed out and shut it behind me, as I hoped down.
Landing on my feet I started walking almost immediately, flipping my hood up to avoid being recognized if we ran into each other.
I walked down the isles of a store grabbing something very here and there and throwing them into my dark blue backpack. Not letting anyone see me do it.
When I felt I had all I needed I went to the back of the store. I kelt down by one of the shelves of the store and grabbed somethings from my backpack.
No to many but all I needed:
A bottle, a piece of string and some gunpowder.
I stabbed a hole in the lid of the bottle to alow the string to stick out. I put it through the hole and into the bottle, then filled it with gunpowder.
I srewed on the lid and rubbed it quickly on a tire near by then sat it by the shelf.
I made the string long enough so I could get to the front of the store. Before it.....
It blew up causing lots of panic and most of the workers to head in that direction so I could get out without anyone hearing the alarm.
I walked home, well not like that orphanage was much of a home but it was something, backpack full of stuff that would last at least a week or two.
I got home, hid all the food, and ploped on my bed.
Another successfull round. I thought as I layed their.
(A/N) hey what's up i hope you enjoyed. That's all for now (and plz don't try to use this technique to rob a damn store, not saying that your a theif but still don't, besides I dout it would work that well in real life) so see y'all next time peace.😋✌🏻

Survive The Night
FanficA my hero academia, fnaf cross over story that I decided to write cuz I'm a flipen weirdo and didn't know what else to do with this random idea so here ya go hope you enjoy. 😉 has some original characters and other stuf. Hope you enjoy.