Chapter 7

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A/N: Hey guys :)

I'm so sorry this has taken ages to update. I meant to update ages ago and then I forgot and only just remembered. I know that doesn't excuse anything but I am sorry.

Also, The Lost Prince is not discontinued! I have decided to finish this one first as it only has a couple of chapters left, this one included. So after I've finished this, The Lost Prince should be my main focus.

So without further ado...

Here's the next chapter!



"It means exactly as I said. He's in love with you."

Suddenly, everything came back to Arthur in an instant. The tournament. Almost losing. Guinevere's failed attempt at breaking the enchantment. Merlin kissing him... He remembered everything.

Merlin kissed him.

Merlin broke the enchantment...

... And Arthur didn't remember.


Merlin sighed as he leant against a wall in a forgotten part of the castle, raking a hand through his hair, making it more messy than usual. A small, bitter smile came to his lips. He's moped enough, it's been two weeks since the kiss and Merlin felt that that has been long enough. What did he even expect, anyway? Even if Arthur did remember it's not like anything could happen between them. Relationships between men is illegal. Gaius told him that it never used to be, but since Uther had taken the throne, its been outlawed. And, anyway, Arthur is Uther's son! Merlin refuses to draw a wedge between them, especially over something like that! It could get Arthur into serious trouble and Uther wouldn't hesitate to send him to the chopping block should anyone find out and Merlin prefers his head attached to his neck, thank you very much.

Merlin straightened his spine and slipped his mask back on his face. Time to be the Happy-Go-Lucky servant again! He'll act the way he did before the... Incident... and everything will be back to normal, watching Arthur grow closer to Gwen and pining for him from afar. As its meant to be.

With that resolve, Merlin spun on his heel and walked along the corridor, down the spiral staircase and back inside the main part of the castle with a smile on his face that, for once, wasn't completely fake. Because even though the kiss only happened once, it's enough for Merlin hold onto for the rest of his life. And Merlin has finally accepted that.

Merlin could feel the eyes of the cooks and other servants as he collected Arthur's lunch from the kitchens, not that he can blame them. For the past two weeks, he's been nothing but sombre and depressed and then to see him switch moods so quickly, it's no wonder they're so bewildered. He can imagine the rumour mill that will spread about his sudden change in behaviour and Merlin just shudders thinking about it because, no. Just no! Merlin can already see some girls gossiping and blushing looking over at him and Merlin nearly gags in revulsion. He's not that way inclined.

"Oi! You're not paid to stand aroun' gossiping! Get back to work or I'll sack the lot of yeh!" Mary, the cook, screamed at the gossiping servants who quickly scarpered out of the kitchen. Merlin shot her a grateful look as she gave him a sympathetic one and handed him the prince's lunch.

"Thanks," Merlin murmered.

"Don' mention it. But you better get goin'. The Prince will 'ave you're 'ead if you're late."

"Well, you know Arthur" Merlin chuckled. It was the first one in a while. "I'll see you later." And with that, Merlin dashed out of the kitchen with Arthur's lunch balanced precariously in his hands, ignoring the looks from the other servants.

When Merlin reached Arthur's chambers, he skidded to a stop. Although he had vowed to himself to not let it get to him anymore, the idea of seeing Arthur still made his hands shake and his heart to stutter nervously. Merlin took a deep breath, before he knocked and opened the door to the chambers to see Arthur with his head in his hands, shoulders shaking ever so slightly. As soon as the door closed, however, Arthur looked up and Merlin had to stop himself from stepping back in shock. Arthur looked awful. His eyes were red rimmed, with tears slipping down his cheeks, golden hair in a disarray and his normally tan skin was abnormally pale and Merlin could feel his heart literally break at the sight.

"M-Merlin." Arthur stuttered, trying desperately to hide the evidence of him crying. "What, err..." Arthur cleared his throat. "What are you doing here?"

"I, uh, I have your lunch." Merlin said, feeling awkward. He had never seen Arthur like this before and he doesn't really know what he should think.

"Oh, right." Arthur cleared his throat, surreptitiously wiping his eyes on the sleeve of his tunic. Merlin placed his lunch in front of him and started to putter about the room, trying to keep himself busy whilst trying to hold his tongue to keep himself from saying anything.

Arthur just stared at his food, not eating anything.

After a few long minutes of silence, Merlin couldn't take the silence anymore.

"Arthur, whats wrong?" Merlin asked, holding one of Arthur's tunics.

Arthur jumped, clearly lost in his thoughts. Merlin briefly wondered what he was thinking. Arthur cleared his throat again, before murmuring something so quietly, that Merlin couldn't hear him.


Arthur sighed. "I said..." Arthur swallowed. "I'm sorry, Merlin."

Merlin did a double take, dropping the tunic. Arthur apologised? Never, in the whole of Albion, did Merlin think that Arthur knew what the word 'sorry' meant. Merlin is shocked but also a bit confused. Why is Arthur apologising? What happened between the time he left and the time he returned?

"Uhh..." Merlin said, eloquent as always. "Why?"

"I remember."

"Remember what?" Merlin asked, confused.

"The spell... What happened with Vivian, challenging King Olaf, fighting him in the arena, Gwen kissing me... And you..."

"M-me?" Merlin stuttered.

"Yes, you. I remember what you did... I remember everything."


A/N: Hey Guys!

First of all, I'm going to apologise for leaving this for so long! I genuinely didn't realise how long its been! And so sorry for the short chapter again.

A lot has happened lately, even though I've been furloughed since March. I got a new job in December at a place everyone hates me for haha. I'm now working at The Studio Tour in London, which is literally a dream job. I'm still furloughed though, haven't been called back in yet. I'm missing work, to tell you the truth.

Another reason I haven't updated, is because I haven't seen Merlin in ages and I've spent the last six months binge watching Red Dwarf. If you haven't seen it, its bloody brilliant and one of my favourite TV shows from when I was younger. I ship Rimmer/Lister so hard!

I'm also sad that SPN will ending very soon :( but oh well. All good things come to an end, I guess.

I should have the last two chapters up soon. I'll update as soon as I can.

Love you guys,

Stay awesome!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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