A Sacrifice for Love

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Post-Avengers: Infinity War, set during AU Avengers: Endgame.

Wanda didn't die in Infinity War and Vision was revived using the Mind Stone that was found by Scott Lang in the quantum realm in between the five years. After the five years or five hours he had been there, they used the Mind Stone to bring life back into Vision days before they retrieve the Infinity Stones in the past.

This chapter is inspired by a tweet that I saw. I can't remember who tweeted it, so if you know which one I'm talking about, please post the link!


A fatigued Wanda started to doze off to the trance of the stars and planets that flew by them quickly. The colors were a beautiful symphony of orange, yellow, blue, purple, and all sorts of other combinations that transformed into a blur. Her eyes were almost glossy as she stared at the glowing tones of the intergalactic objects. The ship was quiet except for the soft and steady breathing coming from Wanda to which Vision, who was piloting the spacecraft, admired deeply. Even though to him he had been dead for mere seconds, he missed so much from the woman he wanted to share a lifetime with. He wanted to waste nothing as he spent time with her. Every soft murmur from her mouth, every shift of her body, every emotion that flickered across her face - he desired to see it all.

And when she turned her partially curled-up body in one of the craft's secure seats to face him, she slowly opened her eyes to his loving gaze. It was something she always relished in. She missed waking up to that gaze of his while on the run. It was one of the few things she could stare at for days without falling into boredom.

As he reached to softly stroke her hair, to which she leaned into, he quietly asked, "Do you feel rested enough?"

She groaned in disagreement and mumbled, "Not really. It's been a rough couple of days." She looked down and sighed, "I haven't been this tired since after...after Thanos snapped..."

Vision felt sympathy for her. He knew that a catastrophic event to where she had to kill him, then watch him die, then watch her friends disappear in a wind of dust, she must have been traumatized. As he put the spacecraft into autopilot, he leaned over his seat to kiss her head.

"I wish that things could have been different. I'm sorry that you had to go through such a disturbing five years," he soothed. "I wish that I could have been there with you." His hand traveled down her arm to tightly link her fingers with his.

She looked up at him with saddened eyes. "They kept telling me to move on, to find someone or no one at all, anything to not wallow in grief," she whispered. "But I didn't want to. I...I couldn't. I couldn't give up on you." She almost sobbed, not wanting to remember the times where she cried alone with no one to comfort her. She couldn't eat, shower, or sleep without thinking of him and the memories associated with those daily activities. "They suggested that I go down into the morgue to visit you. They said it would help me move on. It...it only gave me more nightmares."

"You were strong for doing that," he praised and gave her hand a squeeze. "I wish that you could have found something to not let yourself be in so much misery."

She started to blink rapidly to prevent tears from falling. "I don't believe there was anything that could. You were the only person I had left," she breathed.

He opened his mouth to speak before the spacecraft came to a jerking halt at Vormir. Wanda shook her head as her emotions were pushed to the side from the view of the planet. There was a cloud of grey, pink, and red that surrounded part of the planet, as well as a large star, similar to the sun of the earth's solar system, but something blocking it like an eclipse. All else was dark and hidden. It gave the planet the qualities of mystery and inscrutability.

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