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Once upon a time, in a kingdom hidden from plain sight, a king and Queen were blessed with a beautiful and healthy twins .

The wise king himself was worried for the throne and the kingdom. When she heard of this , his Queen saught the protection of her fairy godmother who agreed to bless the children as she had the Queen when she was a child .

The soft fairy turned to the first infant , tapped them lightly on the nose with her wand, soft white sparkles dropped on their face .
"You will never be alone " she whispered " your talents , charm and charisma will be noted by those around you "

She then turned to the second baby as the anxious mother looked on cluching her royal necklace in stress . She touched the other child's temples as dark purple sparkles dropped on the head .
"You will be brave do you'll have to be. A strong hearted clear leader ."

Lastly she turned to the Queen "they will both be great rulers I know " she said embracing the Queen , who released the necklace in relief .

As soon as she returned to the castle she sent for the royal calligrapher who ensribed the predictions in liquid gold ink on parchment to be hung in the twins room .

She told her husband the good news but however he couldn't be completely at ease .

On the day of the twins first birthday, a terrible fever spread throughout the kingdom claiming many lives . The castle was under strict royal instructions to be locked and bolted to protect the young heirs . All the servents and staff were locked in this house arrest too , on the royal site . Only the back gate and entrance to the royal site was open rarly for food , doctors and hunting .

Sadly the King and Queen did not escape the fever and passed away within the first year . They were buried in the Royal Grave yard surrounded by older Rulers of the Rose Kingdom .

On his deathbed , the king ordered the castle to be locked until the corrination of his heir and providing all were in health the gates were to be open hence forth .

The royal children, servents and staff have not been seen since .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2019 ⏰

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