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𝓮𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽  𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓱𝓼  𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻

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𝓮𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽  𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓱𝓼  𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻

"I brought wine!" Garcia laughed, setting the box of wine bottles on the dining room table.

The dining room table of Reid and Mara's new apartment. Together.

It took a lot for both of them to give up their personal space and put it all together in one, but it was a decision they made together. They just bought a bigger apartment in the same building as Reid's.

Mara thought moving all her stuff would be hard, that was until she remembered Reid's wall of books. It took them two months to move into the apartment, Mara and Reid fighting over who gets to decorate what.

"We don't need three coffee makers, Spencer." Mara scolded him, slapping his hand away from the box of appliances.

"What if-"


Over the next hour, the rest of the team showed up, bring house-warming gifts. Rossi brought expensive kitchen appliances that Mara will probably never use but was very grateful for the gesture.

They all sat around the dinner table, drinking wine and talking about any and everything.

"You know, I called these two from the very beginning!" Garcia smiled, her words slurring from the multiple glasses of wine she's had.

"How could you have possibly known that?" Mara chuckled.

"Opposites attract, it's physics," Garcia replied, Reid making a face because that was not right. "You two were opposites, you attracted. Just like me and Morgan."

Reid smiled at Mara and Garcia smirked. "You two tried to hide it! Tried to put it off, but it's fate!"

"I guess you could call it that."  Reid smiled at her, standing up and pressing a kiss to Mara's head before pouring everyone another glass of wine.

"Well, I always thought Reid was gay." Rossi said, making everyone burst into laughter.

Once Mara stopped laughing, she set her glass down and said, "he's definitely not gay."

Everyone's faces scrunched up in disgust, Mara raising her hands in surrender and heading into the kitchen after Reid.

She smiled as he leaned against the corner at the counter, Mara wrapping her arms around his neck, his hands settling on her hips.

"Our apartment." Mara almost squealed, her nose brushing against his.

"I know," he smiled down at her. "I can't believe I'm sharing a place with your messy habits."

She pulled back and smiled. "My messy habits? If I remember correctly, my apartment was always cleaner than yours."

"My mess is always an organized mess." He defended and Mara shook her head, standing on her toes and kissing his lips gently.

"I love you, Mara," he said, his forehead pressing against hers. "So much."

"Not as much as I love you, Spencer." She smiled at him.


Later that night, they settled in the bed together, both Mara and Reid pulling out a book to read. Mara read her book slowly while she listened to Reid flipping through his book quickly. It wasn't until he finished it and closed it, turning on his side to look at Mara, that he spoke.

"We would be together and have our books at night, be warm in bed together with the windows open and the stars bright."

Mara closed her book and followed his actions, smiling at him. "Ernest Hemingway."

He looked at her in awe, nodding. She only smiled and brushed a piece of hair from his eyes. "I would never leave our windows open, I'm too paranoid for that."

He laughed, taking her face in his hands and kissing her softly. Mara smiled against his lips, twisting onto her back as Reid moved, his lips moving against hers.

His fingers moved up her shirt and Mara shivered against his cold fingers, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him closer.

As if on cue, their phones went off at the same time and Reid pulled back, a groan falling from  his lips. His forehead fell against hers, closing his eyes to enjoy their moment.

Mara reached over and looked at her phone, the text from Garcia. She let out a sigh, setting her phone back on the table before smiling up at Reid.

"We've got a case."

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