9 - Ships

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Lalna's POV

French. Why was he even taking french? He hated it! So did Sjin, Xephos and Sips. Yet they were all taking it. He sighed as he walked up to the French Room and sat down. The teacher looked up

"Don't get too comfy there's a seating plan," he said to Lalna as no one else had arrived yet. He was 10 minutes early.

Sighing again, Lalna asked where his seat was. He was assigned a seat at the back and people soon started coming in. Xephos was sat next to the blonde chick he liked. Rythain was sat next to a frizzy ginger. Smiffy was next to a girl with brown hair and green eyes. Ridge was by a girl with long wavy black hair, with black glasses on her head and black eyes - like really black not 'dark brown black'.

Lalna groaned. It was boy girl. He had been lucky last time when he was next to Nano. He had had the freedom to get lost in her words as in science he knew what he was doing. He probably wouldn't even be Nano - so why was he stressing?

Nano was spinning around in circles looking for her seat. When she saw Lalna she smiled and started walking over. He groaned and put his head in his arms. He heard the chair beside him move. He pulled his head up and was met with the brown eyes of Nano.

"Hey Lalnè!" her high voice chimed. He smiled at her cuteness trying to think of a french name for her, but ended up replying

"Ahh bonjour Nano!" and they both laughed.

Everyone else started coming in and sitting down. Once everyone was sat down the teacher told them "Alright page 20. You should all know the vocab. If not it's on page 25."

Lalna sighed, he was really bad at french. But it seemed Nano was really good at it. She helped him out just as he had in science.

Apologies for the delay had a few issues with my computer. Also I'm working on a few other Yogfics so look out for them. xxx

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