Chapter 1

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Steven skipped about happily as he went about his way through Little Homeworld. Things had finally settled down after Spinel had left a giant crater on the Earth. 

Steven, however, hadn't.

"Hey Steven! Whatsup?" Amethyst greeted as Steven passed by the Famethysts.

"Oh heh you know, the usual. I'm going to go to the temple to check on something." Steven grinned and then jumped onto the warp pad.

"Ok see ya later." The Famethysts waved

The warp flashed and Steven was gone. 

He'd lied when he said that he was going back to the house, he in fact had been warping to the strawberry battlefield for a couple weeks now because he was at a conflict and in emotional/mental turmoil.

He started walking towards the floating islands and jumped up effortlessly, but he didn't use his floating powers. Last time he tried to float to the islands he almost fell because he couldn't keep his emotions positive enough. As he made it to the island where Pearl and his mother had once been he coiled up into a ball and started crying. 

What is wrong with me?

I should be happy so why am I acting like this?

Frustrated by his thoughts Steven took deep breaths until he finally calmed down. Then he sat pondering his thoughts and feelings until he noticed that the sun was setting.

I better return back before they start worrying about me. 

He warped back to the house and ate some mac n cheese. Then he took a refreshing shower and crashed into bed. 


Steven blinked his eyes open at the sound of a roar. He found himself in standing in the strawberry battlefield once again. A roar sounded again and he walked towards the source, the roar growing loader each time. He was stopped by a cliff and he gazed down and saw a gigantic pink wyrm staring right back at him. The wyrm butted it's head against the side of the wall and Steven fell into the canyon despair weaving into his heart as the beast swallowed him whole.


His eyes snapped open and he let out a blood curdling scream. Beads of sweat forming on his face and his eyes letting loose tears. He gazed at his clock which said 6:34 AM.

What was that monster?

"Steven! Are you alright?" Pearl sprinted into his room, the other gems joining her.

"Uh yeah... Just a nightmare" Steven said a little winded.

"Dude that was not a nightmare! You are obviously not ok!" Amethyst butted in.

'No! I'm perfectly fine!" Steven growled annoyedly, he hated it when the gems picked into his feelings. He didn't want them to know how he felt. He didn't want to be a burden.

"Steven," Garnet began "you need to tell us how you feel so that we can help you."

"Why would you want to know!?" He yelled and then ran down and slammed the bathroom door to get changed and wash his face. As he was washing his face, he noticed his eyes were pink.

"What was that?" He said

Steven rubbed his eyes and they were their normal hazel color again.

"Her eyes... Why now?" He shook his head to right himself.

"I've just gotta keep it together. Everyone needs me." Steven said as he brushed his hand through his hair reassuringly. It always helped him calm down, but something hard and sharp met his hand and made his stomach drop.

"Wait, what?" He said exasperated as he pulled his curly hair back a bit to reveal a white thorn.

"What's happening to me..." He said worriedly

Someone knocked on the bathroom door and it made Steven jump out of his skin. He quickly covered the thorn with his hair once more.

"Steven, please I'm worried about you." Garnet spoke softly as Steven imagined her taking off her visor.

"I know you are but please stop worrying about me." Steven said as he opened the door to the bathroom and was met by the trio of gems.

You don't need to know.

None of them budged as Steven attempted to walk past them.

"Could you move?" Steven stood there annoyed

"We're not moving until you tell us." Amethyst said authoritatively

"Fine, I'll make you move!" He yelled as he summoned bubbles on his hands and punched Amethyst out of the way sending her crashing into the kitchen.

Realizing his mistake, he became flushed and ran off to the warp pad.

"I'm sorry!" He cried before he warped off.

The three gems gawked at his sudden violent actions, confused as to why he was acting like this.

"Garnet, where do you think he went?" Pearl asked concerned

"I... I don't know, I can't see him." She said scared.

"The best thing we can do, however, is to split up and go after him." Garnet started.

"Pearl you go to the Galaxy Warp and also to Mask Island. Amethyst you go to the two Kindergartens since you know your way around and I will check the Strawberry Battlefield and also the Great North." Garnet said as she and the other gems warped to the different locations.

Steven appeared at the other side in the ancient gem ship site and ran into one of the ships. 

"Arrghh! It hurts so bad" The hybrid whimpered as he curled into a ball. He felt really hot, even his gem was a bit warm as he clutched it.

Then he noticed his head, he could feel more horns growing out and thorns on his back as well.

His vision started to blur as he thought he saw the warp pad activate before he succumbed to the pain and passed out.

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