Chapter 5

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Rose's fountain sputtered tears as a brilliant light enveloped the area. A monstrous roar interrupted the serenity of the place. A pink monster and several other gems appeared on the warp pad.

Steven bucked off Amethyst and she was knocked high into the sky.

"Ahhh---!" Amethyst screamed.

He ran off in the other direction, much to the gems dismay.

Garnet nodded to Pearl. "Pearl let's fuse."

"Ok." She nodded back

Garnet and Pearl jumped together and formed Sardonyx.

"Good evening everybody! This is Sardonyx for a lovely show today!" Sardonyx exclaimed.

She noticed Steven running off.

"Hey don't run off so soon, the show is just getting started!" She yelled and ran up beside the running monster.

The other gems hung behind, watching from the warp pad.

The fusion finally got up to speed enough to jump onto the wyrm to pin it down. Steven wiggled under her weight and snapped several times at her. Her arms at her torso kept twisting as he kept biting at air and it became a game of cat and mouse.

Her higher set of arms clamped down on his mouth and he stared at her with hate.

"Looks like you certainly have a thorn in your side! Am I right? Oh ha ha!" She laughed at her own joke.

Steven's muffled growl could be heard, he was not amused at her joke.

A savageness took over Steven and he pushed her off far with his three sets of legs. He felt his lungs pulse with heat and he spat a pink fireball right at Sardonyx. The fusion quickly unfused to avoid the massive ball of energy as it eventually traveled and hit a wall.

The wall immediately shattered.

"We need Alexandrite!" Garnet announced, getting up from the ground in pain.

"I'm up for it!" Pearl agreed.

"I'm in!" Amethyst chimed in running up to them.

"Gems, synchronize!" Garnet waved her hands her gemstones glowing.

Amethyst, Garnet, and Pearl danced around weaving past each other. Garnet flipped Amethyst and Pearl into the air and they glowed into a giant column of light.

A roar erupted from the fusion as the wyrm stared at the new opponent. Alexandrite jumped as the wyrm blasted energy at them.

She advanced, the fusion about three-fourths the size of the monster. She summoned several whips and secured the legs, knocking Steven to the ground. She summoned a hammer and knocked him close to the fountain.

He reared up and then pounced, but something grabbed from behind. His bite just missing by a foot and he face planted into the ground.

Lapis had formed several hands from the healing tears and pulled him straight into the pool of tears. A tidal wave crashed from the collision, flooding the place for a second.

The tears did their magic and the wyrm began to shrink, taking on a more humanoid form. Something began to flicker behind those pink slits.


Alexandrite unfused and all the gems and Connie ran up to the edge of the fountain.

"Steven!" Everyone said worriedly.

"Uhh." Steven murmered with hurt before he started losing his form again.

"Steven you can do this, fight it!" Connie encouraged him.

All around him he only saw black and the butterflies choking him.

He thought he heard voices faintly.

"Hang in there Ste-man." Amethyst encouraged

"You got this!" Connie yelled.

I-- I can do this!

He felt himself falling but he forced himself to breathe.

Pink Steven came into view and was glitching. He gave a blank stare back before he broke into a cry as Steven hugged him.

"It hurts." Pink Steven murmered

"We'll do this, together!" Steven smiled determined.

They fell together, reminding Steven of when he was with Connie falling. Columns of butterflies chocked them. Pink Steven mimicked Steven's own facial expressions of nervousness. They experienced every bad thought shown by the butterflies.

Taking away mom from the gems. A guilt that heavily burdened him.

The fact that he is three people, his mother and Pink Diamond. An awful identity crisis to have.

Jasper becoming corrupted as he could only watch, wishing he could help her.

His mother lying to the gems about her true identity.

White Diamond tearing out his gem and possessing his friends. Which he still hadn't confessed to the gems about.

His descent slowed and his feet met the ground. Relief flooded his face as he took a deep breath.

Pink Steven appeared happy. His face neutral so it was always hard to tell.

Steven's counterpart shined and glowed a little, his form finally reappearing again. Steven noticing most of his previous thorns were gone. Only two horns peeked out of his head. A reminder of his traumatic experience.

Steven gripped Pink Steven and they started laughing. They cried as they danced together and became one. Accepting that the past is in the past.

It's okay to feel bad.

Just accept who you are.

It's never your fault.

He glowed floating up out and onto the fountain before he finally was himself. He fell on his knees, exhausted from the corruption and the fighting.

Steven looked up slowly, a bit ashamed. The hybrid met their worried watery eyes, his own stained with tears.

"I'm sorry-" He sniffed, his throat tightening with anxiety.

Connie was the first to throw her arms around Steven in relief. The others joined in one big family hug.

"It's wasn't your fault." Garnet hushed, wiping tears off his face.

"I'll always be there for you Steven." Connie reassured the hybrid.

"Let's get you home. You need some rest." Pearl said gently, ruffling his hair carefully avoiding his two ivory horns left by the corruption.

All walked to the warp pad except Steven. He was being carried by Garnet.

"Garnet, I'm not a child." The curly haired teenager said.

"Aw c'mon Steven just take a break." Amethyst spoke.

"Alright." He sighed.

He was secretly relieved that she kept holding him. He had forgotten that feeling of being the one getting taken care of.

They warped back and Steven was laid on his bed. He told the gems about every horrid thought and experience he had, including when White Diamond pulled out his gem.

They stood before him, stunned at how much emotions he had beared up until now. Steven found that his whole chest felt much lighter than before. They left the room reluctantly when they saw he was becoming sleepy. They never wanted to ever lose him again.

"Thanks guys, thanks for everything you've done for me." Steven murmered while smiling.

When he fell asleep he didn't have anymore nightmares. In the first time in forever he felt... at peace with himself. He felt found.

Hooo boy that was an emotional rollercoaster! I may add one more chapter of his daily life if anyone would like but this story is considered finished in my opinion. I will write more Steven Universe fanfics but I just need suggestions by y'all. Also, please do comment what you thought about this story. <3

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