Chapter 1 | Well This is Strange

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'Y/N.. Help..' Your parents beg to you. They're on the ground, bleeding. You back away at the sight. 'Mom, Dad... what happened to.. you?'

'It's all your fault Y/N, it's all your fault.'

Your eyes widened. '.. What did I do?!'

"Your actions have consequences. Your actions have..."

I woke up in a cold sweat. 


You saw.. a vibrant green field.

"Am I still in a dream?" You ask yourself, stupidly.

There was silence, other than the cool breeze and birds chirping.

You could see the bright blue sky. "Where's my room?!" I panic, getting up. I WAS in a field. I saw a yellow path that reminded me of... 


I shook your head at the thought. 'It's a show, Y/N! It's a show!' In fact, it was more likely I was in heaven than being in the... Moominverse. I smacked yourself at that name I just made up. 'Stupid, stupid, stupid.'

But my legs had automatically started walking. Maybe from the excitement I were having? But I would never actually admit that. Wait, I just did.

As I walked down the yellow path, I started whispering, "Follow the yellow brick road.. follow the yellow brick road... follow the yellow brick, follow the yellow brick, follow the yellow bri-- AH!" I yelled suddenly at the end. I fell back in shock. In the distance I saw a familiar tall blue house. It had 2 vertical windows on each side. It looked like the exact replica from Moomin! 

'Wow..' I thought. 'It's... it's amazing! Could this actually...' I stopped, pushing the thought away. 'This may look similar but.. it couldn't be. It just can't. Moomin is a show!"

I got up, after the realization that I were still on the grass. I took a head start running on the path to the blue house.

It was very refreshing, and the wind blew through my hair.


Okay I'm never saying that again, ew.

It got closer and closer and then it was RIGHT in front of me.

I slowly tip-toed to the red porch(not that anyone was gonna hear me or anything), and knocked on the door 3 times. Then I hopped back and waited, putting my hands behind my back.

'Wait, what am I going to say when they answer? I just realized I totally don't have a plan...' I thought.


Then I heard footsteps and the door opened. I braced myself silently.

It was Moominmamma with her (um, iconic) striped apron. "Hello." She said kindly. My heartbeat sped up. It was really... I was really in... 

"Hello?" She asked again after I said nothing.

I jumped. "OH! I, um, I... What is this place?" I asked (stupidly). "Moominvalley." Moominmamma said, a tad hesitant. "Oh." Your heart skipped a beat. "I... don't have anywhere to stay.." There was a beat of silence. "Um.. Would it be okay if I stayed here for the night?" I didn't want to plead, but I didn't really want to camp out like Sunfkin did. 

"Oh, sure!" She said brightly. She moved away from the doorway and motioned for me to come into the house. 'Oh god I can't.. believe this is happening.' "Moominpappa, Moomin, Little My! We're going to be having a guest over tonight!" She calls out.

'Well she's very trusting.' I thought. 

Your hands started sweating so I rubbed them on the sides of my shorts, and I felt my phone. I was going to get it out but I decided not to. 

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