400 Reads Special | Don't Feel The Same

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(WARNING: Use of google translate because I'm a pathetic pineapple)


I buried my face in the grass deeper.


I peeked out from the green blades. "En ymmärrä sinua." I groaned. 

Snufkin rolled his eyes. "Kyllä.."

I widened my eyes. "Wow you speak Finni--.... I should've seen that one coming." I mumbled the last part. 'Of course he knows Finnish!' I thought.

He tilted his head. "Yeah. What did you say at ... the end there?"

"Nothing, nothing. Olen tosissani." I reassured him. "How do you know Finnish?" I asked, staring at the sky. Snufkin sat down near me. "Since I travel, I know a few languages." You grinned. "Hey, that's impressive!" You complimented him. 

So, how do I know Finnish?

In school we got to pick foreign languages to learn. I (and other people, surprisingly) picked Finnish. The population of the school was quite large, so each language had a decent amount of people. Though French and Spanish and Japanese were the most popular. 

Languages were fascinating to me. 

Sadly, I didn't know a lot of Finnish.

Though Snufkin was right now seeming to build something up in his mind. How did I know? He had these concentrated eyes and, well... he looked like he was conflicted?

"Then... olet todella kaunis?"

I blinked.


'What the heck did he say?' I thought hard. 'He said that I'm really... something...'

"Paska." He cursed as he pulled up his scarf to his blushing and embarrassed face. 'He's embarrassed at something he said?' I thought concerned. 'JESUS CHRIST WHAT DID HE SAY??' I was now getting irritated. 'Did I miss something in class??'

"Uhhh, what did you say?" I asked, genuinely confused. "Nothing." He mumbled, sinking into the grass. I blinked again. "Riiiight..."

My eyes flickered from Snufkin to my pocket. 

"Anyway, you can have your weird pipe back."


That night, I had a thought.


For dinner I had just thought of what Snufkin said. Now I actually have a 'technique' (?) to translate. 'Heck yea!' I said, as I pulled my phone out of my pocket. But I hissed at the sudden brightness.

Noooooo, my weaknessssss--

I clicked on google translate and thought for a second as my thumb hit 'Finnish' in the first column, and English in the second. 'Let me recall what he said...'

I held the phone to my mouth and said, "Uh-- olet todella kaunis?"

It said, 'You're really pretty'.

(google translate actually said you're really beautiful but that's not what I want okay)



'Uhhhhhhhohmygod--' I thought, but then said aloud, "Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god."


Okay I'll stop but yeah I wanted to do that.

'I can't look at him the same way...' I thought, brushing my hair back stress-fully.

But the bad thing was, I didn't think I liked him like that.

'Okay, calm down, Y/N,' I thought, trying to breathe steadily, but it came out ragged. 'He just complimented you, he doesn't like you anymore than that.' I looked out the big window in the room. 'At least I hope.'

A couple more beats of silence ensued.

'I need to get more sleep.'

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