Chapter 27

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Stiles is keeping a distance from Scott, watching carefully over other people's shoulder to make sure he's alright. He hasn't seen Derek yet, but he knows the other werewolf is here somewhere, probably off in the shadows away from anyone else.

As the minutes pass, more people begin piling into the space and blocking Stiles' view. He sighs and starts pushing his way through the crowd, searching for Scott or Allison. There's too many bodies moving and speaking, one teenager out of hundreds being difficult to spot or track down. Stiles turns left, roughly hitting something in front of him. He would think it's a wall by how hard it is, but there are arms gripping his shoulders.

"Scott just ran out," Derek tells him, eyes shifting quickly through the crowd, "I'll take Allison home, you find Scott, okay?"

"Yeah, will do," he immediately replies. Derek nods and takes his hands off Stiles. "Hey," Derek calls, making Stiles look behind him, "Be careful." It's Stiles' turn to nod, suppressing his smile until out of sight.

"Scott," Stiles exhales in relief, breathing heavily from running up the stairs. The werewolf slowly pulls his head up, dripping with cold water from the shower as he sits in the bath to calm down. "She was kissing me, and-and my heart rate started to pick up," Scott swallows thickly, "I pulled away but people kept bumping into her and me...I couldn't control it." His head suddenly snaps up, "Is she okay? Oh my god, I just left her at the party, Stiles! She's going to hate me!"

"It's fine, Scott, just tell her you got sick. And Derek gave her a ride home so sh—"

"Derek?" Scott asks, his voice morphing to a growl. "Scott, he was just trying to help, it's not a big deal," Stiles assures calmly. The werewolf shifting suggests otherwise, and all Stiles can do is slowly back away until Scott hops out of the bathtub and dashes out.

To Derek: Scott just freaked out. I think he's coming to find you

He's running and texting at the same time, throwing his phone into the passenger seat as he turns over the engine and backs out of Scott's drive.

The short drive feels like hours, Stiles is buzzing with anxiety as he drums his thumb against his steering wheel. He doesn't even have to pull into the small lot to see the Camaro isn't there, and panic flashes through the teen.

In a quick turn, Stiles speeds toward the old Hale house, his last resort; otherwise, he has no idea where the werewolves could be.

"Come on, come on," Stiles mutters to himself, pressing harder on the accelerator. He doesn't bother to shut off his vehicle, he jumps out and throws open the door. A loud crash sends him right, frantically pushing off the walls and around corners until finally spotting the two half shifted.

"Scott!" He calls, just as his best friend kicks at Derek's chest with both feet. He sighs in relief when Derek manages his balance. However, Derek quickly retaliates by grabbing Scott tightly by the throat and slamming him against the burned floor. He repeats the action, and Stiles finally feels himself unfreeze.

"Derek, stop!" Stiles pleas, "Derek, you're going to hurt him!" Stiles doesn't realize he's tugging back on the males arms until steal blue eyes are staring into his caramel ones. The werewolf's eyes fade back to their lighter shade of blue-green, and he steps away from Scott, who scrambles to his feet, also human.

"What did you do to her!" He demands, inching closer into Derek's space. Sensing another brawl, Stiles puts himself between them—more of stepping in front of Derek and putting a hand on Scott's chest. "Scott, listen to me," Stiles starts gently, hesitantly gaining the betas attention, "Derek gave Allison a ride home to make sure she was okay. Nothing happened."

"Then why did he have her jacket!" He snarls, attempting and failing to move closer as Stiles' hand keeps him at bay. "I was protecting her from you," Derek explains, tone sharp, "Think about it, Scott, you show up at her house shifted. What do you think is going to happen? She'll see what you are, scream, and a house full of hunters would kill you before you get a chance to leap off her roof." Scott's eyes shift between the two, as if to decide if this is believable or not. "He's on our side, Scott," Stiles declares, but Scott is shaking his head and backing away. "No he's not." Derek scoffs, "Keep thinking that, Scott, but who else can help you track down the alpha that bit you? We need to work together."

"I'll find him myself," Scott bites back. "And fight him yourself, too?" He arches an eyebrow, "You can't even take me down. An alpha is ten times as strong." Scott shakes his head and takes off, leaving Stiles and Derek in silence.

"Look," Stiles breaths, turning to face the other teen, "He'll come around. In the mean time, tell me every thing you learn and I'll let you know if Scott learns anything, deal?"


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