Chapter 31: Flames and Ashes

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You know that teacher in Charlie Brown? The one that's basically speaking like they were raised in the sims? I never knew that teacher existed until now.

Our math teacher, Miss. Whatsherface, has been droning on about who knows what for the past half hour. Luckily, I sit in the back, so I can do whatever the hell I want. For the past few days, I've mostly been working on the logo, but there are a few other projects I've been playing around with.

Honestly, I couldn't care less about math, quadratic formula isn't exactly difficult. The only two things keeping me from poking out my own eyes in boredom are my art projects and Lance, I guess.

We share this class and English, so at least I have something decent to pay attention to in those classes. So back to this boring ass lesson. The teacher finally learned a word that somewhat resembles the English language, and out of any of the words she could've picked from the dictionary, she picked my name.

"Keith, Keith, KEITH!"

Jesus fuck, she's like a yapping Chihuahua.

I don't even lift my head when I answer, not feeling bothered enough to even give her the time of day. I got the answer right because, again, quadratic formula isn't really hard.

Now you want to know what's really hard-

My phone screen lights up from between my legs before I can finish the thought. I shift uncomfortably at the buzz. I should probably turn that off shouldn't I? I don't exactly know how to though, so that's the problem. I'll just ask Pidge later.

I'm sitting criss-cross in my desk chair. Truthfully, it's the only semi-comfy way to sit in these uncomfortable chairs, seriously, you'd think a school would use their budget on something useful... but that's just wishful thinking.

My vermillion shaded pencil veered off the line I was working on when Miss. RestingBitchFace decided to slam her ruler on a students desk. Fuck her. Even though there is an obvious reason no one has yet.

I wouldn't touch her with a thirty-nine and a half foot pole. Not just because I'm gay as fuck, and most likely a better power bottom than she could ever dream to be, but any straight guy who'd willingly go up to her in a bar is probably stoned, drunk, drugged, and obviously a being not of this world.

But that's putting it nicely.


1 New Message: Lance

L: not that we aren't all thinking it, but why do you look like you're trying to figure out how to dispose of the body of our teacher?

K: Ruined my drawing.

L: Woah you really are pissed

K: What are you talking about?

L: The period at the end of your sentence, it sounds so mean

K: It's bad grammar to not use a period at the end of a sentence. Anyways, when did you even look back to see my face?

L: Why wouldn't I, kitten? Do you have something to hide?

K: ...

L: HA! I can see you blushing from here!

K: Oh fuck you.

L: *Says the bottom*

K: 🖕🏼(middle finger emoji in case a reader can't see it)


Before I could reply, a harsh snap echoed throughout the room. Everyone jumped, and if anyone deny's it, they're lying. For a moment I was excited, hoping it was the teacher's leg or something, so if she fell and couldn't get up we could all just leave class early.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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