Chapter 10: Flare v.s Lissana

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"Here we are at 1st day of The Grand Magic Games,kabo! Today we have our fight of the day we have Lissana Strauss of Fairy Tail team A! And Flare Corona of Raven Tail,kabo! Let the games begin,kabo!" The pumpkin head said.

(Now time for no paragraphs)

Lissana: Take-over! Animal soul Parasprite! Water Canon!

Flare: M-my hair! You'll pay for it! Wolf Fang!

Flare's Hair was on Tied on Lissana's ankle.Flare beginning to hurt Lissana.Lucy watched them coldly.

Lissana: Arghh!! Take-over! Animal soul Spider! Web Coffin!

Flare: I-I can't get out!

Kabo: Lissana Strauss is the winner!

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