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Me: I'll still continue the story! Lets peek at the boys conversation shall we?

---:Boys Chat:---

Natsu: Luce is mine and mine only!

Sting: Eh? You have Lissana! I can only have Blondie all to myself!

Rouge: Shut up Rouge,Lu is my "girlfriend" so back off.

Jellal: Mixie-san will make this into a "JelLu" Fanfic!

Laxus: Nope! It will be LaLu!

Lyon: It will be LyonCy! (If you pronounce Ly into Li it would be better sounding)

Gray: No Way! High Way! It would be GraLu!!

Natsu: NaLu!

Sting: StiCy!

Rouge: RoLu!

Jellal: JelLu!

Laxus: LaLu!

Lyon: LyonCy!

Gray: GraLu!!!

Boys: *Rage*

Natsu: Fire Dragon Secret Art! Roar Of Passionate Flames!

Sting: Over Drive! White Dragons Almighty Roar!

Rouge: Shadow Dragon Secret Art! Light's Death!

Jellal: Meteor!

Laxus: Lightning Drive! Roar of The Lightning God!

Lyon: Ice Make! Dragon!

Gray: Ice Make! Bazooka!

Me: *Rage* Dragon's Forbidden Scroll! Heaven's and Hell's Almighty Roar of Passion in Death! (Yeah another move) Will you guys just quit it! I'll make it into a NaLu,StiCy,RoLu,LaLu,LyonCy and GraLu now please quit it! But......I think LyonCy is kinda cute.

Lyon: See!

Boys: Shut Up!

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