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"Huh?..You're on your way?? You and him??" Jin quickly looks back at Tae with wide eyes and the younger does too.

"I thought you'd like to see him since you guys-"

"What the fuck Jae?! You don't just bring shit up like this!" Jin blurted out, making Tae flinch.

"Huh?? What do you mean?! I- Hold up a sec." he heard ruffling and muffling voices on the other line.

Jin quickly motioned Tae to get off the desk and he did so. The teacher went up to him and cupped his face, tilting it sideways to inspect his neck. As he feared, he left light marks and rushed to get his bag.

"Here," he quickly handed him a small bag before placing a hand over the phone. "Go to the restroom and cover those marks with my makeup and don't come back here. Ken's on his way."

Tae quickly nodded, feeling adrenaline running through his body as he took the bag and rushed out the door to the nearest restroom.

"Hey, are you still there?" he heard Jae's voice once more.

"Y-Yeah, I'm still here." Jin responded as he rushed to pick up the ungraded assignments on the floor.


Namjoon leaned against a wall, crossed armed, as he watched Jae talk on the phone. He grew more nervous as time passed, waiting to know when they were going to meet him.

He tried to relax and take his mind off of his 'soon reunion' by looking around, and everybody immediately looked away, pretending they weren't just checking him out. He inspected the quad area before him and could see where the gym was located up ahead. Taking his time, he turned around, until he looked at the other side, near the cafeteria, where the main lunch tables were stationed.

There, on the nearest table, a pair of captivating eyes looked at him directly while a charming smile decorated the student's lips as he sat on top of the edge of the table. One leg overlapped the other as he slightly swayed it, giving him an inviting appeal.

A smile naturally formed on the dad's face and didn't think twice as his body moved forward on its own. Neither said anything until Namjoon stood right in front of the younger.

"Fancy meeting you here, Mr.K." Jimin leaned slightly back as he supported himself with his arms.

"Jimin..It's nice to see you." he spoke fondly.

"I'm glad you think so." the younger gave him a playful smirk, "I take it you took the job?"

"Yes. Yes, I did." Namjoon stuffed his hands in his pockets, "I just finished settling it with Ke- I mean your principal not too long ago."

"Excited much?" Jimin quirked a brow, noticing his unwavering smile.

"Y-Yeah." he chuckled shyly as he ruffled the back of his hair, "I just..can't believe I'm actually doing this."

"Well believe it." Jimin hopped off the table and stepped closer to him, "You're now going to be the number one coach this school's ever seen." he gave him a wink. "I'm really looking forward to learning from you Mr.K."

"You flatter me Jimin." the older slightly blushed as he looked at the ground, "Thank you, really, but honestly," he paused as he looked back into his eyes, "I wouldn't have taken this opportunity if it weren't for you..Thank you."

"We already spoke about this. We're friends, and now that we'll be a team, I'll make sure to have your back..and you, mine, right?"

"Definitely," he then leaned closer, "but don't think I'll go easy on you or Tae when training comes along."

Daddy Issues (NamMin/Taejin ff) [≈ Monthly Updates]Where stories live. Discover now