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(Warning: Shitty writing up ahead)


"You might want to wipe the lipstick off your cheek before his mother gets here."

"Pardon?" He whispered back.

Hwasa motioned at her cheek, but Namjoon just raised a brow at her. She rolled her eyes and reached into her bag, taking out a tissue and pressed it against his chest.

"Just wipe it with this, will ya?" Namjoon winced as he held onto it.

He gave her a look, but wiped his cheek nonetheless, and was taken aback when he noticed the faint pigment.

"Stupid lock." Jimin mumbled under his breath, but smiled when he turned around, motioning for them to enter. "Sorry about that. Please, come in!"

"Thanks darling." Hwasa smiled back and pinched his cheek playfully as she made her way inside.

"T-Thank you, Jimin." Namjoon quickly hid the tissue from his sight, and followed suit, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

Once in, Namjoon stopped in his tracks as he was greeted with a small, yet cozy-looking living room. Further ahead was the diner, a table for four. To its right was an entrance which he assumed was the kitchen from the visible edge of the counter and cupboards on the wall. To his right, from where he stood, was a dim hallway.

Jimin told them to get comfortable and asked if they wanted anything to drink for the meantime before getting ready to prepare dinner. After Jimin took note of their drinks he headed out to the kitchen.

Namjoon watched as he left; his eyes never leaving the younger until a sudden cough broke him from his thoughts.

"Have a seat Namjoon." Hwasa said as she plopped down on the couch. There was a slight change in her tone.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks." he sat down at the edge of the couch, placing his hands on his lap.

The feeling of embarrassment returned to him as the raven haired assessed him, feeling her intent gaze on him.

"So, Namjoon," there was emphasis in his name, "Mind telling me what's up with you and my little Munchkin?"

"Huh? Like.. What exactly?" Namjoon shifted in place to face her.

"Oh, I don't know~ It just seems a little- tiny bit peculiar to see him act the way he did with you moments ago."

"Peculiar? In what way?" Namjoon tilted his head.

"By the looks of it, my little Jiminie seemed rather close with you."

"Oh.." he looked down at his hands as he pondered, "Um, I wouldn't exactly say we're close-"

"Well it sure seemed like it." She crossed her arms, "He even holds your hand and everything. It's not like my boy goes around being touchy with everybody he meets."

"..If you say so." he smiled at the thought.

"I'm kind of curious though" Hwasa leaned a little towards him, looking deep into his eyes, "If there's anything else going on between you two?"

"Uh, I'm..not quite sure what you mean.."

"Is that so?" she cocked a brow, "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm not the type to beat around the bush, so I'll be straightforward with you." her voice suddenly became cold, "Are you seeing Jimin?"

"..'Seeing Jimin?'.. As in..?" Namjoon raised a brow, waiting for her to elaborate.

"Here we go!" Jimin walked into the living room with two glass cups in hand, and both adults turned their heads towards the younger. "Are you guys enjoying yourselves?" he carefully handed over their drinks.

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