lost a bet

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"Lets make a bet!" Roman announced to his friend, Logan.

   "Oh, are you quite sure about that?" Roman responded with an eager nod.

   The logical trait sighed. "I suppose. What is the bet, and what will be the consequences?"

   "I was thinking," Roman rushed, "that you wouldn't be able to go a day without saying 'falsehood'!"

   Logan blinked. "Excuse me?"

   "If you lose," the prince-like trait continued, "you have to share a scarf with Patton for an entire day!"

   "And if I win?" Logan pressed, pushing his glasses up his nose.

   "I won't make a single Disney reference for two days straight!"

   Logan held out his hand, which Roman gladly shook.

   "It's a deal."

   Look where that got Logan. Now he was stuck sitting next to Patton at the breakfast table, the two unbelievably close.

   "Mmmm hey Logan! Want some?" Patton offered, holding up a piece of bacon.

   The other trait politely declined as he continued to sip on his coffee.

   "Well what are you gonna eat? You have to have something, kiddo! It's not pawsible to go so long without eating!" Patton giggled.

   Logan rolled his eyes, yet he secretly was longing to laugh with the other trait. He unfortunately had to keep up his act, since he was supposed to be the logical trait. Logic is logic. Logic isn't fueled by emotions. So then why does he get this tingly feeling in his stomach whenever he's around Patton?

   "Watcha reading?" Patton questioned, grabbing the book and turning to the front cover. Logan immediately flushed a deep red.

   "P-Patton, no-!" he quickly exclaimed, desperately trying to grab the book back from the other trait.

  "'A Nerd's Guide to Romance'?" Patton questioned. "Ooooo, who's the lucky guy~?" he teased.

   Logan snatched the book away from Thomas's moral side, breathing heavily as his face shone a deep crimson.

   "That...that information is not concerning you."

   "But I wanna knowwwww!" Patton whined, giving Logan his famous (or infamous?) puppy dog eyes.

   "Maybe...maybe later tonight," the logical trait murmured. Patton grinned, hugging the other tightly.

   "Thank you, Logi!" he exclaimed, giggling. Logan awkward pat the other's back.

   "Wow, hows that scarf working out for you, Logan?" they two heard a voice coming from the doorway.

   "Roman. How nice to see you," Logan said bluntly.

   "Answer my question, Sheldon Pooper!" Roman huffed, crossing his arms like a child who didn't get what he wanted.

   "Oh, so now that Virgil isn't around, you've gone to giving me the nicknames?" Logan noted. "Pathetic."

   Roman made an offended noise, and he gloomily stalked in to the kitchen.

   "Logaaaaaan," Patton dragged. "Don't be mean to Roman!"

   The other trait was about to object, but then he turned to look at Patton. His words suddenly became lost, and all he could say was, "Okay."

   Patton grinned as he turned back to his breakfast.

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