All Eyes On Me

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He was a child when they left. For as long as he could remember the only face he knew was of his elder's. He knew nothing about them, more so his father. No pictures of him, if so his face would be cut or ripped out. He was for sure out of the picture, but yet, both of them were. He always wondered why. Was it because of him? Did he do something wrong? What was the point? Was he a mistake? The questions circled and formed a toxic cloud around his head, ready to blow at any second. Who was he going to lose next? Was it because of his ability that seemed to cause destruction whenever he was pissed or upset? What he is? he?

"Fire dear," his nana knocked on the door, "do come out and eat dinner, you've been in there all day. You should try and eat. You always get in a sassy tone when you don't."

Groans were heard from inside the room as he got up from his bed, unlocked the door and opened it ever so slightly. Fire peeked out from the crack of his door.


The 9 year old stepped out of the comfort of his room and out to meet the old woman.

"Do tell me what you were doing in there, I get quite worried about you hoarding in your room. More than usual now."

"None of your business old woman." He scowled.

"What did I tell you about talkin' back to me that way Fire? Cool your jets before I have to intervene and take action upon this rude behavior."

He just rolled his eyes and sat at the table.

It was a silent dinner. Grilled cheese again. It was all his nana could make in his eyes.

"Fire J. Flame- Stop playing with your food and just eat it." His nana said impatiently.

He huffed and ate his sandwich.

"So, How was school today?"

"Terrible as always. No point in asking."

His nana frowned, "how come?"

"I don't like school. It's too confusing and math makes me angry! I also wanted to punch a kid! He called me hot head today and it ticked me off!" Fire's eyes narrowed and he sat back in his chair pouting.

"Fire, violence is never the answer. I'm sorry you had a bad day, but if you had a better attitude I feel like the results would change don't you think?"

"No, all the same."

"Have you even tried?"

He gave her a glare and she stopped feeding the flame.

"Very well... Hey! What about that Seán kid, did you see him at all today?"

"Yea, he was busy today. His sister had a musical performance at 7 tonight, so that's all he talked about. He invited me to go, but I don't like that stuff."

"You should've went Fire, I wish you told me sooner. It would've gotten you out of the house for a bit, spending time with a friend."

"Too late now." Fire sighed and slumped back into his chair.

His nana looked at the clock. It read 6:45 p.m.

"Hm.. actually, you still can make it if you want to go. It's at 7. I can call Seán's mother if you're interested. I highly encourage this!"

Fire stared at her and there was a long pause.


She smiled and walked towards the phone and dialed a number.

At 6:54 there was a knock at the door. Nana rushed to open it, but Fire had reached the door first. He opened it and a purple-haired kid beamed at him.

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