A Monster's Mate (3)

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Amber made her way down the stairs, her hand on the stair rail. "Hello?" She whispered when she reached the end. "Hello?" She asked again, louder this time. "Over here. Come on. Quick." A lady, probably thirty, hissed. "I-I well- how was I supposed to know you were over there?" Amber replied, running over to the lady.

"They should've killed you when they had the chance." She muttered under her breath. Amber gasped loudly, crossing her arms and glaring at the back of her head. She followed her until they were outside. Amber was practically running after the lady, huffing loudly. "You can slow down, you know. Why do you hate me so much?"

"He didn't kill you." She hissed, stopping abruptly infront of her. Amber bumped into her back, stumbling backwards. "I-I'm sorry-"

"He didn't kill you but he killed Nico!" She was suddenly attacking her, clawing at her face. Amber screamed, pushing the crazy lady off of her and stumbling onto her feet. She ran forward, looking behind her watching as the lady got onto her feet. "I'll kill you!" She screamed, sprinting towards her.

"Oh my goddess!" Amber muttered, before bashing into a wall and falling onto her backside. "Oof." She gasped, rubbing her forehead. She got up again, looking behind her and noticed the crazy old fart was still following her. She squealed loudly, turning around to start running again.

Arms were suddenly wrapped around her waist, causing weird but pleasurable tingles to run down her body. She looked up at Jaxson's beautiful eyes and sighed into his arms. "Whats wrong?" He whispered, his voice surprisingly soft. "That- that lady. She's crazy!" Amber cried, pointing at the lady who was now bowing in front of her Alpha.

"What did you do to her?" He roared, pulling Amber closer to his body. "Why are you protecting her!? She came into our territory without permission! She should be dead!" The crazed chick yelled back, making Jaxson shake in anger.

"Do not step out of line, Caroline. You are beneath me, remember your place. Get out of my face." Caroline was gone in an instant, making Jaxson pull away from Amber. She instantly missed his touch, the tingles lingering. 

"You are my maid which means I must protect you. That is the only reason." He muttered, slowly tearing Amber's heart in half. "Yes. Of course." She mumbled in reply, wringing her hands together. "As my one and only maid, you are to clean my room, my bathroom, get me my meals and never be late. I mean it. I hate late comers." He was walking incredibly fast towards a beautiful, antique looking three-storey house. 

"My room is the whole top floor. I expect it to be clean by the time I get back." He walked into the gorgeous house, Amber following close behind. "Its so pretty!" She squealed, running towards the lounge, where there was a big fireplace surrounded by loveseats. 

"A fireplace! Eek! I've always wanted to use one!" She giggled loudly, bouncing on the couch. "Oh and your kitchen! Its so cool!" Amber jumped over the couch and towards the kitchen counter. Before another breath, she was lying on top staring at the roof above her. "This feels so nice on my skin." She mumbled, sighing softly. 

She looked over at Jaxson, who was clenching his fists tightly, his green eyes; pitch black. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I'll get off-"

She was suddenly under his large body, her breathing growing ragged. His lower body, pressed against Amber's, rubbing slowly. He let out a low moan slash growl. Amber brought him closer, her arms wrapping around his neck. He grinded faster, making Amber moan softly, the tingles at an extreme level. His lips were on her neck, causing a hot trail of kisses to trail down to her shoulder. 

The knock on the door caused Jaxson to jump off her. Amber slid off the counter, running up the stairs towards his room. Her cheeks rosy and her body on fire. She rushed into his room, closing the door behind her. She leaned against the door, clutching chest. 

She headed towards his bed, pulling the sheet over towards the pillow. "Amber?" She heard her name being called by his sexy, familiar voice. "Get down here, please." Amber sighed softly, looking at herself in the mirror quickly. Her cheeks were almost as red as her lips and her eyes were dark and clouded. 

She hurried down the stairs to meet with a pair of clear, brown eyes. Amber let her eyes scan the lady in front of her, she was beautiful. Amber smiled kindly at the girl, who shared the smile. "This is Tara." 

"Hello Tara. I'm Amber. It's lovely to meet you." Amber wasn't sure who Tara was, but she stood awfully close to Jaxson. "You are gorgeous! The prettiest girl I've seen in a while." She exclaimed, playing with Amber's hair. 

"Oh, thank you! You are very pretty yourself!" Amber's face brightened instantly, not noticing that Tara had snaked her hand into Jaxson's. When Jaxson didn't pull away, Amber looked down at their intwined hands. 

She then looked back up to meet his green eyes, which were hiding any emotion he was feeling. "Are you part of the pack now?" Tara asked, tilting her head to the side. "Uh- I, um. Maybe?" Amber mumbled, staring at their interlocked hands.

"You're so cute! I can't wait to be your new Luna. You should totally be one of my bridesmaids." Ambers head snapped up, her eyes widening. "Bridesmaid? Luna? Are you mates?" Amber asked, her heart suddenly dropped painfully. 

"Well no, but Jaxson doesn't have a mate. He can't have one. So I volunteered. You see, he has the most powerful pack in America. He needs a Luna, or it's not considered a pack. My dad is the Alpha of the second largest pack, so that makes me a rightful Luna." Tara explained, looking up at Jaxson. "But we fell in love anyway." 

Amber could feel the tears clouding her eyes. "No mate?" She whispered, looking right at Jaxson. He hadn't shown any emotion towards Amber or Tara. "No mate." He replied softly, looking right into her eyes. His eyes finally showed some emotion; hurt, guilt and most of all, regret. 

"Right well, I'll go clean your room. Nice meeting you Tara." Amber took one last lingering look at Jaxson, before heading back up the stairs, wiping the tears the flowed down her cheek.

No mate.

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