82: New Year's Party

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My choice of dresses for the New Year's party at the Aaron Limited offices is quite restricted since my growing belly refuses to fit into most of my old dresses. I finally decide on a knee length blue dress which fits and compliments my pregnant body.

I instruct Zenna Hodge, my stylist of choice ever since the gala to announce the Paris plans, that I want my hair in a bun at the nape of my neck. While she works on my hair, I think of what shoes and purse I'm going to carry. Once she's done, we move on to make up and an hour later Zenna sees herself out as I put on my heels and slip my phone into my purse.

Hazel is going to the party with us since it is New Year's Eve and we didn't want her to stay in alone. I find her in the living room, dressed in a blue dress which is appropriate for the occasion yet comfortable enough to sleep in if she decides to doze off in Daniel's office. I note that her dress is blue too!

"We're matching Bunny! Come on, let's take a picture!" I sit down on the bottom stair and she comes to stand by me as a helper takes my phone and takes our picture.

"One more please." Daniel says from the top of the stairs and comes down to sit on the other side of Hazel.

"This is beautiful! And, oh! Daniel, you're wearing a blue tie!" I exclaim looking at the picture.

"I might have peeked in to check the color of your dress while you were getting ready." Daniel kisses my cheek, "By the way you look beautiful."

"Thank you." I smile at him before standing up as Daniel starts to lead Hazel out of the house.

On our way to the offices I coach Hazel to say hello to everyone and be nice to any children who are accompanying their parents. I also instruct her to stay in mine or Daniel's sight at all times.

We arrive to the party at eight which is an hour after the official start time of the party. But Jeremy had asked us to take our time, so we did.

Since today is Daniel's first day back here, everyone is eager to meet him. While he says hello to everyone in the parking, I take Hazel's hand and lead her towards the entrance. The party is on the roof which can only be accessed by special elevators.

People say hello to me as we wait for an empty elevator and some even congratulate me on saving the company's repute. I feel shy at all the attention but thankfully an elevator arrives.

Hazel, I and some more people who I didn't get a chance to meet in my two short weeks here, ride to the roof together. When I step out, the party arrangements are breathtaking. With the fairy lights, screens running the countdown till midnight, waiters carrying snacks and refreshments around and of course, a dance floor. Jeremy outdid himself.

"You're here!" Jeremy appears in front of me.

"The party looks amazing. Daniel will be pleased." I tell him.

"I had fun planning it. How are you Hazel?" Jeremy asks bending down to give her a hug.

"Good Jemmy." She replies. Ever since she stared speaking she has called him Jemmy.

"Wow!" Daniel says from behind me.

"It's your welcome back to work party. It was meant to be 'wow.'" Jeremy teases.

At the same moment Hazel starts tugging my hand so I look down at her to find her pointing at one of the food tables which has cake.

"Let's go meet everyone." Jeremy says to Daniel.

"Coming?" Daniel looks at me.

"You two go ahead. I'll get Hazel cake and then catch up." I tell them and we part ways. I beeline towards the food table which is just a few steps away but it takes me a good ten minutes to get to it since people keep stopping me to say hello and to congratulate me.

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