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filthy // tom riddle
pairing ➵ tom riddle x ravenclaw!reader

genre ➵ angst

note ➵ hey everyone! I hope you all like this and I cannot wait to write more for you all 💘
you and tom played around the corridors as you waited for divination to begin.

you had a game between the two of you, which might I add, was a game only, between you two.

in which he'd a make a door slightly unhinged and would spin you around on it till your hearts content.

"faster, marvolo! faster!" you screamed, a big grin plastered on your face as you span around on the door.

"alright, alright. (y/m/n) give me a second." tom shouted, speeding up the door.

"you get on too tom, come on!" you yelled in between shrieked laughter.

so, at your request. he climbed onto the door frame with you.

"thank you for this tommy!" you yelled as you stretched out to hold his hand.

"no problem (y/n)!" he yelled back gladly accepting your hand.

unfortunately, this serenity couldn't last forever. suddenly the door lost control and tom had to do something.

"arresto momentum!" he screamed as he simultaneously pulled you to him as the door flew out of the windows.

you were both on the floor, you against his chest, both laughing at what had just happened.

"the things I do for you, you silly girl." he said, ruffling your hair.

"thank you tom." you giggled, pressing a slight kiss to his cheek.

no one could word your and tom's relationship.
you were best friends but he wasn't really one for... publicising it.

you'd live your separate lives when in the presence of others as tom didn't want to ruin his 'slytherin' reputation.

this never really bothered you, never ever.

you knew that he thought the world of you and you understood why he may want to cover your relationship.


"tom?" you heard a random voice.
"what are you doing with a ravenclaw?" another voice asked.
"is that (y/n) (y/l/n)?" the first voice asked.
"seems like you were getting a bit friendly with the ravenclaw." said one, causing you to blush scarlet.
"I cannot believe you'd even want to be in breathing distance of a bloody ravenclaw." snarled the other.

"of course not!" tom shouted pushing you off of him as he stood up.
"as if I'd ever want to be with a filthy little ravenclaw." he spat at the other slytherin boys.

your heart plummeted down to your stomach. like your heart couldn't take it anymore and had fallen out of sanity.

tom couldn't help the great hit of guilt as the words left his mouth but he just couldn't stop himself.

the slytherin boys chuckled at tom's remark and left.

"(y/-" tom began.
"it's alright, tom riddle. goodnight." you cut him off, tears flooding your eyes as you began walking to your dorm.

"I'm-" he tried.
"goodnight." you said in the distance.


it was the day after and silly tom thought all was well.

"do you need any help with that?" he asked as he peaked at the book you were reading.

you didn't respond.

this was certainly something that shocked tom. he was used to you eating out of the palm of his hand and since you weren't. he was confused to say the least.

lesson had soon ended and you attempted to depart as quick as you could but tom chased after you.

"(y/n)! what are you doing!?" he asked slightly irritated.

there seemed to be a few people who turned their heads to see the great student tom riddle shout. you didn't care. you continued to run from him.

he caught up to you and yelled
hearing his voice only caused you to speed up.

"petrificus totalus!" tom yelled furiously causing you to completely stop.

"(y/n), what's wrong?" he asked finally holding you in his arms as the spell slowly unraveled.

you shook him off and his eyes widened at your rather mean action.

"are you sure you should be doing so much shouting, what if someone hears that you, tom riddle, god forbid is talking to a ravenclaw." you finally muttered.

"you're not still angry at me about that are you?" he asked as if it was nothing.

you felt a stab at your heart.

tom wasn't the most empathetic person to be completely honest, but you didn't think he'd be so oblivious to your feelings.

you ran off to your room as lessons had finally ended.


it'd been weeks and you'd not spoken to him. it hurt you, it truly did, but, it was the right thing to do. right?

finally, you'd gotten out of your shell and stopped relying on tom for being your sole source of friendship.

you started making more friends and doing things with them.

the absence of tom from your life didn't hurt anymore.

and tom had noticed this too.

it wasn't like he didn't have any friends, being the heir of slytherin meant that he had people dying to be his friend, but his heart only wanted you.

he'd see you the first few times the sparkle in your eyes gone and replaced with tired eyes and your smile gone on permanent leave, but now, you had the sparkle in your eyes back and a smile twinkling all your new friends and even a certain avery.

he watched as you laughed and giggled with avery. avery making you swoon with his smooth words and charismatic personality.

"see you at hogsmeade then, sweet (y/n)" avery said as he kissed your hand and turned around to leave.

"(y-(y/n)" tom muttered quietly.

"tom?" you questioned, genuinely confused.

"how have you been?" he asked you, trying to make small talk.

tom was never good at making small talk.

"I'm alright thank you tom." you said to him in a sigh.

"(y/n), I miss you so much." he said randomly, taking your hand in his.

your heart skipped a beat as his eyes looked deeply into yours.

"th-that's great tom." you said trying to get out of his rather gentle hold.

it may not have seemed like it but it took everything in you to turn him down like that.

his eyes glistened as he could feel fresh tears begin to prick at them.

"I-I'm sorry (y/n)" he got out in an almost whimper, trying to hold it together.

"please come back to me" he whispered with his head lowered, praying that you didn't hear, praying that you did.

at that moment, one of your new friends, anna george, suddenly came out of nowhere.

"(y/n) what are you doing here? there's a party in our common room come on!" she said as she hugged you tightly while simultaneously trying to drag you away from tom.

"oh sorry, who's that?" anna asked awkwardly.

he looked up at you and from you to anna. anna, the only person at hogwarts who didn't know who tom bloody riddle was.

"just some slytherin I used to know." you said dismissively as you took her hand and went to this party.
One more tom story then Draco.
Word counted:1205

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