chapter five

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Charlotte's POV

It was day five. But only 6 days until tour. Ever since the goodbye party, I haven't stopped texting James. However in person he seemed to hang back and pretend I wasn't the girl he was speaking to via text. I guess this is the way he acts when my dad is involved with his work. Currently I found myself stuck in a meeting with all four boys,Joe,my dad and Georgia who had gone outside to grab something.

I turned to face James who was in conversation with my dad. I found myself staring at his facial features, his lips, his eyes, his tiny facial hair, his nose, his teeth. He is truly beautiful, no flaws to be found. He suddenly noticed that I was staring at him from the corner of his eyes. He turned to face me, smiling. I couldn't care less that he caught me staring, who wouldn't stare? Although I seemed calm on the outside, inside my heart was racing so fast I could feel it pounding. James readjusted his leg positioning so that his were even closer to mine. Thankfully nobody else could see his movement as they were underneath a table. I managed to keep calm and smile back confidently before looking over at Connor.

"You ok Charlotte? You seem a bit-" Connor asked.

"I'm fine" I laughed nervously as James placed his hand on my arm which was laying on the desk. Then placing the back of his hand on my forehead gently feeling my temperature.

"Are you sure?" James asked worriedly. "You feel a bit hot".

Who wouldn't feel hot when the hottest person {in your opinion} was siting right beside you shifting closer and closer but you have to remain natural not to freak them out.

"Hundred percent fine". Not watching what I was doing I stood up, my arm managing to in three fill cups off the desk and down my dress, my hands try to conceal my blush as I heard the laughter from the boys. I froze in position my mouth gasped, hands infront of my face, body drenched in water. Great I had completely embarrassed myself in front of everyone.

"Nice one Charlotte" my dad laugh the loudest embarrassing me even more. "Good way to impress your crush James" he managed to slip out. My head turned round sharply to my dad, without a word I rushed out of the office room.

My once chance with James was ruined and now my dad had just blurted our me fancying him.





Georgia's POV

We reached Charlottes hotel door, she rummaged through her bag until she heard the sound of keys. Pulling them out she unlocked the door, walking into the hotel room. Charlotte immediately began to grumble to herself.

"Then my dad decided to blurt out I fancy James" she cried loudly as I sat opposite her.

"Ouch" I gritted my teeth, how the hell did I miss so much drama? I only went to grab work from the printer and when I come back Charlotte was missing. Luckily I found her outside the office on the pavement in tears. Taking it upon myself to mob her up and take care of her.

"My chances with James are over".

"That's not true" I tried to comfort her.

"He probably thinks I'm an idiot"

"I'm sure he doesn't-"

"You weren't there Georiga" she snapped. "You don't know how James thinks or feel".

"Sorry" I muttered.

"No, I'm sorry" she sighed deeply. "I shouldn't have snapped at you, it's not your fault I've embarrassed myself in front of him".

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