chapter twenty

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Georgia's POV

I arrived at Cardiff after being discharged 4pm yesterday afternoon. Everyone else was still on the tour bus to Cardiff ,so I had time alone. My mum texted me afterwards saying she was travelling up to Cardiff to see if I was okay and obviously to be reunited with my dad whilst my brother was on a away school trip. We planned to meet at the local park,I wandered the streets in an activity to occupy my thoughts. I saw couples hand in hand, kids playing in the park, old couples laughing together as they watched their grandchild feed the ducks. Thoughts and reads started to flood into my head. What If when I went back to college I couldn't stop thinking about Brad? How was we suppose to end the relationship in a matter of a week?

I was excited to see my mum again, she was my best friend apart from Charlotte and the boys. Like I have friends in college but I still haven't been in contact with any of them since the start of the 12 weeks. You realise that you are only friends with some people because you spend 5 days a week with them. I sat alone on a empty park bench, my hair in a messy ponytail, minimum make up, a vamps black tour top as it was the only piece of clothing the boys left me and black leggings.

"Georgia" a figure said as the approached the park bench, I recognises the voice of my mums as I stood up rushing into her arms. "My babygirl, how are you? Why the hell was you rushed to hospital? How's working been? Have you misses your brother and I? When is your dad going to be here?".

"Woah stop with the questions!" I scratched my head. "I'm fine now, I fainted yesterday but luckily nothing bad. The doctors just wanted to double check I was fine".

"Oh thank god" she sighed in relief. "Anyway something is different about you".
"Really? I'm still the same".

"You seem a lot more... happy"

"Because I'm reunited with you" I hugged my mum once again.

"That's not it" she bit her lip. "I can't tell what though".

"There's nothing different".

"So how's work with your father?"

"It's good, deans daughter and I have become friendly". I smiled.

"How about the boys? There nice aren't they".

"Like big brothers" I giggled.

"There good looking though"

"Mum!" I gasped.

"They see four very good looking boys" she shrugged her shoulders. "Not my type".

"Good!" I said firmly.

"Your father said you and Brad are quite close".

"I guess we are" I gave her a small smile.

"Something going on between you" she questioned.

"No" I said shakily.

"I can tell".

"Tell what?"

"Something has or is" she titled her head to the side. "there's something you need to tell me, I can tell when your anxious to say something and when I brought Brad up you act like this".



"Ok" I sighed. "Say someone told you no to something because it would effect them as well but you done it".

"What have you done?" she rolled her eyes.

"Don't freak out" I prepared her. "At the start of the 12 weeks dad told me to not to have a romance going with one of the boys, but you can't help who you fall in love with can you?"

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