Part 3: Love and Devotion

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A/N: So, because I'm procrastinating on school work like crazy, I decided to write (at least) one more chapter on this story. It's pretty long and comes with a fluff warning - because I happily live in my own universe where everything is lovely and peachy. Enjoy!


She lay on her side on the wonderfully comfortable bed, staring at the man next to her, a silly, dazed smile on her face; he was asleep, breathing calmly and evenly and Stefani felt exhaustion tugging at her too but she didn't want to sleep yet, just could not stop staring at him. Her body felt heavy, completely relaxed, thoroughly satisfied; it was well past midnight, a nightingale's soft song drifting in through the slightly open balcony doors and she caught the faint scent of the gorgeous rose Bradley had bought her earlier from the nightstand.

Her eyes caressed his face, his features, his strong jaw, unlawfully long eyelashes, dark gold hair a little messed up by her eager hands. She thought of the men that had been in her bed before him; the memory of each and every one faded in comparison and while she had always on some level been aware that their intense connection and unbelievable chemistry could lead to nothing but absolutely incredible sex, nothing had prepared her for just how incredible. God, she could still feel him inside her, his hands and lips trailing every inch of her skin; he had imprinted her, permanently.

As if he had sensed her gaze, ocean blue eyes fluttered open, meeting hers, a small smile drifting over his face.

"Hey, baby." His voice was deep, a little raspy, reminding her of Jackson. "Still awake?"

"Mmm," she replied, lifting a hand to brush his cheek. "I find sleep a terrible waste of time right now; I just want to keep looking at you."

"Really? "Bradley smiled, turning his head, lips grazing hers gently. "Well, I'm honoured."

"Damn right." Stefani deepened the kiss, smiled against his lips. "I don't stare at just anyone like they're the finest piece of chocolate in the world."

He snorted. "And my night is now perfect; getting compared to confectionery is the icing on the cake."

"I aim to please." She laughed, shook her head, amazed by the easy banter they had instantly fallen back to tonight. "God, I've missed you, B."

"I've missed you too." He met her eyes, the blue of his looking unsettled, worried. "I never, ever should have let us drift apart like that. I picked up the phone so many times, but... and then more and more time just passed, and I no longer knew what to say."

"I know." Stefani caressed his chest, traced the sculpted muscles, feeling a little sad for all the wasted time. "I should have... I'm ashamed to say I somehow allowed all the media attention and these Instagram trolls intimidate me into staying away but that's no excuse for not calling; I'm sorry."

Bradley shook his head. "It's all over now; you've got me, and we'll face whatever trolls come our way together. No matter how scary they are."

"Promise?" She chuckled, pressed a kiss on his chest. "You'll defend me against the big bad beasts?"

"For as long as I live," he whispered, raising himself to lean against his elbow, kissing her deeply, intensely and she closed her eyes, feeling very touched and supremely protected, grasping onto his strong shoulders and moaning as he proceeded to start another exploration trip down her body.

Yeah, sleep was a definite waste of time.


She rested against him, basking in incredible post-coital bliss, periodically glancing up to see if he was still awake; he was, blue eyes staring at the ceiling, his hand rubbing soft, soothing circles against her lower back. It was very late now, or very early; even the nightingale seemed to have gone to sleep and it was completely quiet outside.

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