Part 7: Congratulations and Celebrations

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A/N: Apologies for the wait! Hope you enjoy the new chapter!


The front door opened and Lea rushed in, running straight into Stefani's waiting embrace, wrapping her arms around the blonde's neck and squeezing tightly. "Stefi, Stefi!"

"Hello, sweetheart." She kissed the side of the little girl's head, smoothed her silky soft hair. "It's so good to see you. Did you and daddy have a good flight?"

Lea nodded, clinging to her and she stood, hoisted the two-year-old securely onto her hip just as Bradley closed the door behind him and lowered a couple of bags from his hands, giving her a soft smile. "Hey you."

"Hi, gorgeous." Stefani leaned in for a longing kiss, closed her eyes and brushed her hand against his cheek; he had been away for the night in New York and Christ, she had hated sleeping without her husband. She had kept herself busy for the two days assisting with the preparations for their party, just wanting something to do despite everyone trying to tell her they would handle it all; now the celebrations were about to start and the house was looking amazing, the first guests including her parents and Gloria already there, chatting on the back patio and enjoying the beautiful early evening.

"How was the Big Apple?"

"Busy as always." He kissed her forehead, chuckled at his daughter. "She's been looking forward to seeing you so much; it was a struggle to make her stay in New York for one more night. She just wanted to jump into the plane and get here already."

"Oh sweetheart." She felt her eyes tearing up, kissed the little girl's cheek; Lea snuggled into a more comfortable position against her. "I missed you terribly too. And you are so beautiful, my goodness."

Lea gave a wide smile, patted her head. "Pwetty Stefi."

She sniffled and Bradley grinned, kissed them both. "I'm going to grab a quick shower, get ready. Sweetie, do you want to change into your lovely dress? Maybe Stefi can help you with it?"

"I would love to. I was just about to head upstairs to get changed myself." She accepted the gorgeous light blue dress he got out of the suitcase, smiling at the little girl. "Oh, this is going to look so amazing on you. Shall we, princess?"

Lea nodded eagerly and she carried her upstairs and into the master suite; Bradley headed to the bathroom and she helped his daughter change into the dress, making her giggle and squirm with tickling her sides, dropping kisses onto her face. "All right, gorgeous girl. Do you want your hair up or down?"

Lea thought for a moment, then lifted her hands on both sides of her head. "Tails."

"Ponytails? That sounds like a good plan." She pulled a brush carefully through the little girl's blonde locks and gathered them onto two ponytails, one above each ear, fastening both with colourful scrunchies. "There. How's that?"

Lea nodded. "Pwetty. Stefi tails too."

"Really? You want us to match?" Stefani laughed, just able to imagine Freddie's face when she showed up to her party with that hairstyle. "You know what? I would absolutely love to. Let me just get dressed first."

Bradley emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, pulling a hand through his damp hair and she almost gulped, eyes moving over his sculpted upper body, her mouth drying instantly. Trying to remember Lea was in the room and forcing herself to stay in check, she turned to walk into the closet, retrieved the green dress she had chosen to wear for tonight, removing her bathrobe and pulling the soft material over her head. His eyes darkened when she returned, his gaze caressing her body from head to toe.

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