Taehyung's POV

"Did you hear about the new girl?" Jimin smirked at me, shoving a fry into his mouth.

"Of course we have.  I heard she's hot." Hoseok added from across the table. "I haven't seen her yet though, so don't take my word for it."

"I've seen her~ she's cute" Jungkook smiled to himself while taking a bite of his grilled cheese.

"I don't really care." I took a sip of my soda before biting into my burger.  My stomach churned angrily but I ignored the feeling and continued to enjoy the greasy delight.

"What are you guys on about, now?" Namjoon and his boyfriend plopped down beside me, Yoongi joining soon after.

"The new girl I assume" mumbled Seokjin. "You know them, always ready to sink their teeth into unsuspecting girls."

I couldn't help but laugh at his choice of words as I swallowed. "Precisely."

Jimin popped another fry into his mouth. "That's her" he pointed to a girl who had just walked in.  She was looking around with wide eyes, looking for a spot to sit.  We all watched as a group of boys flocked her like a bunch of vultures. They led her to their table where she sat and ate her food with obvious discomfort.

I looked away from her and snatched a fry from Jimin's tray. "Hey! That was mine, hoe!"

I laughed and ate it before standing up and ditching what was left of my burger.

~*~ time skip ~*~

After school I leaned against a tree in the front, phone in hand I sighed and glanced up at the cloudy sky.  "Bye Hyuna! See you tomorrow!"

As I heard a light voice ring through the campus, I smoothly slipped behind the tree, pocketing my phone and peeking out. 

I glanced around and there she was.  She let her bright smile slowly slip into a small basic look of serenity. She walked with a slight bounce in her step, glancing up the the sky as the sun slightly appeared from behind the clouds.

I moved further behind the tree, watching until the sun went away again, moving out from behind the tree.  I glanced around before fully leaving the tall plant behind me and moving forward.

The wind blew my bangs across my forehead, occasionally blowing strands of hair into my eyes.  Without fully realising what I was doing, I had ended up following the girl home.  "Eomma! Appa! I'm home!"

I smiled slightly as she went in and shut the door. "Yah! Tae! What are you doing all the way over here?"

Seokjin walked up and I glanced around at my surroundings. "Uh-" I can't just say that I accidently followed home the new girl.  "Just taking a stroll"

He nodded, squinting slightly at me. "Right. Well, since we're here, lets go get some food together! We can get it on the way to yours"

I glanced back at her house one more time before laughing "yeah sure, let's go get food Hyung"

I shove my hands into my jean pockets as we started walking in the direction of my house. 

*~Y/N's POV ~*

I dropped down onto my bed and let out a large breath of air.  It had been a long day, but at least I'd made a couple of friends.  Hyuna was the first of the day, quick to run up and rescue me from a math problem in my 3rd hour.   Unfortunately, we didn't have lunch together so I had to sit with a group of random boys who wouldn't take no for an answer.

I sprawled out on my bed and put my arms up behind my head, closing my eyes.  I'd seen a boy today.  I kept seeing him lingering about in the halls, sometimes with a group, sometimes alone.  One thing was certain though, and it was that he always had his eyes locked on me.  I'm new here, but instead of staring at me he could have said hi or something.  I fumbled for my phone and opened my eyes.  

"Instagram... notifications..." I tapped away until I reached my destination; my most recent post.  "178 comments... oh! Mina!" I clicked on her comment to expand it. 

MinMinTheBinBin: I hope you have fun on your first day at the new school! I'm going to miss you so very much T<T If anyone picks on you, you send them my way! I will teach them not to mess with my best friend! Don't forget about me :* Chu~! Let's hang out this weekend xoxo 

 I smiled to myself and replied with a simple "See you Saturday ^-^" before putting down my phone and hopping up. Snack time.


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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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